Lynnette Novak

Literary Agent

The Seymour Agency

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

I see a few MG queries in my box, but I'd LOVE more!!! If you're a MG author, query me at: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. Paste the query and first five pages in the body of the email. Thanks! Bonus points if your voice stands out! #MGLit #MiddleGrade #MSWL

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

If I missed your #IWSGPit pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. Adult: SFF, thriller, cont. romance, & mystery. YA: thriller, SFF, horror, mystery, & contemporary. MG: SFF, mystery, contemporary, & horror. #diversity #MSWL #ownvoices querylynnette (@) theseymouragency (.)com

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

What am I needing right now? Middle grade, middle grade, middle grade fiction!!! Paste query and 1st 5 pages in email and send to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL #MG #MGlit

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

If I missed your #Kitpit pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. Adult: SFF, thriller, cont. romance, & mystery. YA: thriller, SFF, horror, mystery, cont., & historical. MG: SFF, mystery, cont., & horror. #diversity #MSWL #ownvoices querylynnette (@) theseymouragency (.) com

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

Middle grade manuscripts? Can you hear me calling? Looking for MG: fantasy, sci-fi, cont., mystery & more. Bring all the childhood feels with you! MG authors, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email & send to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

Attention MG & YA authors: I'm eager to find a contemporary MS to add to my list. I'm especially looking for an issues book that doesn't feel like it is or something unique. Send query & 1st 5 pages to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

If I missed your #DVpit pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. Adult: SFF, thriller, cont. romance, & mystery. YA: thriller, SFF, horror, mystery, cont., & historical. MG: SFF, adventure, mystery, cont., & horror. #diversity #MSWL querylynnette (@) theseymouragency (.) com

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

We've read stories about a medium helping spirits cross over. What if we're in the spirit's POV as he tries to find a medium & convince her to help? I'd love to see something like this in MG or YA. Send query & 1st 5 pages to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

I love new, different worlds in fantasy or sci-fi. Magic is cool. Science is sweet. Aliens? Not so much. But, you could surprise me. What about witches? I'm still looking for a witch story. #MG #YA #A #MSWL

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

Where are all the adult fantasy manuscripts hiding? Not in my box. 🥺 I would really love to see them, though. Bonus if it's dark fantasy, but I love all kinds of fantasy. Send query and 1st five pages to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

I'm still looking to add cozy mysteries to my list. I'd love something with a new spin. Send query and 1st five pages to: querylynnette(at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

Any YA or adult fiction about living in and escaping a cult? Bring it! Send query and 1st five pages to: querylynnette(at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

I'm dying for more MG fiction in my box!!! Especially contemporary, but any MG would be wonderful! I'd love something unique that gives me all the feels!!! Send query & 1st 5 pages to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency(dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

If you write like Mark Lawrence, we need to talk. I love dark!!! Query me!!! #MSWL #fantasy

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

Seeking: Adult: suspense/thrillers, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary romance, rom-com, & mysteries. YA: suspense/ thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mysteries, historical, & contemporary. MG: Sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, adventure, mysteries, horror, & humor. #diversity #MSWL

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

Seeking: Adult: thrillers, psychological suspense, SFF, contemporary romance, rom-com, & mysteries. YA: suspense/thrillers, SFF, horror, mysteries, historical, & contemporary. MG: SFF, action/adventure, contemporary, mysteries horror, & humor. #MSWL #diversity 4/4

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

For adult fiction, I’d love cozy mysteries with a unique spin. Send me dark fantasy, epic fantasy…actually…just send me all the fantasy!!! I’d also like sci-fi with a science slant instead of aliens or a Star Wars remake. I’d love more #ownvoices & #diversity too. #MSWL 3/4

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

I’d like to see some high concept YA projects. Hook me with a YA contemporary that hasn’t been done before. Show me a unique SFF world with a different kind of journey—something unpredictable! I’d love more #ownvoices & #diversity too. #MSWL 2/4

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

I’m looking for MG projects, especially sci-fi, fantasy, horror, & contemporary. I’d love more #ownvoices & #diversity too. Make me remember the magic of being a kid. I’d love to see characters dealing with their first crush, first period, and realistic everyday drama. #MSWL 1/4