Lynnette Novak

Literary Agent

The Seymour Agency

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

New add to my #MSWL. I'm looking for rom-coms with magical elements or paranormal: witches or nerdy werewolves/shifters come to mind... IOW, something different from what we've seen in paranormal romance in the past + funny & lighthearted. #WritingCommunity #amquerying #amwriting

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
184 MSWL
68 Tips

I love new, different worlds in fantasy or sci-fi. Magic is cool. Science is sweet. Aliens? Not so much. But, you could surprise me. What about witches? I'm still looking for a witch story. #MG #YA #A #MSWL