Ali Herring
Literary Agent
Spencerhill Associates
Literary Agent, Spencerhill Associates. Twin mom+1 📚 Eclectic in life & books. I 💙 Jane Austen & SFF in equal doses. #TeamSpencerhill Ali-ens 👽 rock!

Literary Agent
Vicki Lame @thedaysbetween
#MSWL YA or adult (agented): A big romantic fantasy from the POV of the villain (or one of the POVs is the villain, but like a real villain with a redemption arc or the heartbreaking lack thereof) (Maybe this makes no sense but this is what my heart wants right now lol)#MSWL this sounds really cool. Would love to rep something like this. I think a villain that feels redeemable but just approaches that edge of redemption and then pulls back each time up until the end would be great.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Bria Ragin @BriARag
Hi, hello! 👋🏾 Agents, I just wanted to let you know that @JoyRevBooks is on the lookout for some great YA fantasy and graphic novel romances by and about people of color!Creators, please work on these awesome stories then send your agent my way!
CC: @NicolaYoon @davidyoon

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL Give me Space Western SFF, lawless new frontiers, Serendipity, Firefly-esque, but with African American space cowboys who mean business written by POC authors! Cinematic in scope, make me swoon, make me sit up, take notice, stay up all night reading!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Kristin Daly Rens @kristin_rens
@rosiesrambles Rosie, I have been telling people for ages that I am dying for a high fantasy rom com!!! It’s at the top of my #MSWL.#MSWL I will rep it! High-fantasy Rom-Com! Pleasssseee...

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent