Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Belcastro Agency
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at QueryManager.com/1147
Literary Agent
Updated my #MSWL! Be sure to take a look for 2020, when I open back up to queries! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kait…
Literary Agent
Definitely always on the lookout for contemporary. I want all the feels, the angst. In YA, I really want mental health focus on LGBTQ+. DEFF want LGBTQ+ middle grade crushes! GIMME! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Currently on a HUGE hunt for historical! Any age. I want lesser known historic events and locations. I want MG trusted to become enmeshed in important/involved moments. I want YA and Adult to show rebellion or championing against the common law. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Ok, real quick #MSWL thread that I'm squeezing in today.
Basics: Upper MG, YA, Adult.
DO NOT send me PBs, Short Stories, Chapter Books, Nonfiction, Thriller/Mystery/Suspense, or Erotica
Literary Agent
Natascha Morris @SoCalledYALife
And finally my evergreen #MSWL right now: mermaids. Evil mermaids. Magical realism mermaids. 13th Year Mermaids.And Ren Faire contemporary.
And Spice Girls friendship break-up MG or YA.
#MSWL so @SoCalledYALife and I can battle over the lovelies 😍
Literary Agent
By the way. I’m still severely lacking in lgbtq+ MG. Please satisfy this need! #mswl
Literary Agent
So 1) if you haven’t heard of Good Boys, go watch the trailer. 2) I would love to see a MG (graphic or much cleaner!) about something like this; ex: first kissing party #mswl
Literary Agent
#StrangerThings3 is legit the MG novel we all want. Kids breaking into shit? “Taking down commies, saving your friends”? Yes please.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I love upper MG where kids are trusted with more depth of emotion and experience. Think settings like Everlasting Nora by @cruzwrites. Conflict and struggle like The Night Diary by @VeeraHira #MSWL
Literary Agent
Here are the genres I'm open to: Fantasy (all kinds), Contemporary, Cont. Romance, select Romance, light Sci Fi, Magical Realism, Historical.
Upper MG, YA, and Adult only
I want LGBTQ+ and diverse characters, themes, and worlds. I want mental health and disability rep. #MSWL
Literary Agent
I'd love to see India #HF. Caste systems. Occupation. Everyday life MG and YA dealt with (and maybe STILL deal with!). Also, #HF Australia, too, (though I'm looking for something lighter there rather than, say, the movie Australia). I'd love aboriginal #ownvoices #HF. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
okay, #writers, I'm gonna do a #HistoricalFiction (#HF) #MSWL tonight. Hold on to your hats! #amagenting pic.twitter.com/h7HmHnCHOpLiterary Agent
#mswl trans MG or YA character teaming with supportive parents to stand against their school inclusion policies
Literary Agent
#MSWL for MG, I want mature voices. Upper MG storylines. LOVE historical fiction for younger characters, contemporary that makes me like who I'm reading about, urban fantasy/magical realism where the child is strong & proud.
Literary Agent
Lauren Spieller @laurenspieller
I'd like a MG Fantasy that features lesser-known creatures of myth and legend (be that because they don't figure as prominently in mythology, or because they are from traditions ignored by the European-centric literary canon). #mswl pic.twitter.com/LZ06ndP0L0Always #mswl for this in MG & YA. Historical fic, urban fantasy, and magical realism!
Literary Agent
#MSWL Oo, does anyone have a MG or YA historical fiction ALA Les Mis' Gavroche?
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL MG camping/wood stories ala King of Summer. Male POVs. Young male friendships! imdb.com/title/tt217911…
Literary Agent
#MSWL a MG similar to the In A Heartbeat short! PLEASE! #querytip #amquerying youtube.com/watch?v=2REkk9…