Victoria Marini

Literary Agent

High Line Literary Collective

Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

It's that time of yeay! A very basic one-sheet #MSWL for 2024, but as always: I love to be surprised! Next week when I re-open, you can find my queries at Query Tracker!

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#MSWL for 2022, all your upmarket suspenseful adult please. DOs: Magic, Murder, Secrets, Impossible Bargains, Hauntings, Libraries, Heists, Lies, Friendships, Betrayals. DONTs: Sad White People Doing Sad White Things to each other for whole novels.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

I'll never not love & rep Children's books, but I am hungry for Adult titles in the up market genre-adjacent spaces; Suspense, Mystery, Speculative, SFF. Recent (to me) favorites include Marlon James, Lucy Foley, Katherine Arden, Kate Racculia, Britt Bennett, N.K. Jemisin. #MSWL

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

And, as always, #MSWL utterly gripping literary or upmarket commercial adult fiction - be in speculative or historical or contemporary - with strong stories rooted in secrets.