Victoria Marini

Literary Agent

High Line Literary Collective

Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip please follow all the instructions and read our auto replies! Many Agents’ submission guidelines aren’t just about our preferences, they’re about logistics. If you don’t follow the guidelines the material may not end up in the right place.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

I know the constant rejection can feel demoralizing, but please don't insult agents who reject you. I often request new MSs from people whose previous queries I rejected. But if you call me nasty names or insult me, I'm just going to ask you not contact me again. #QueryTip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

PSA: I am currently closed to all unsolicited queries. I will announce when I re-open both here and on my website. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. All solicited and previously received queries will be responded to! #querytip #querying

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#amquerying #amwriting #querytip There are some people claiming to be "insiders" or "experts" who may be offering outdated, counter-productive or straight-up bad advice, (largely b/c they are not experts or insiders). Take care to note the source of advice before you follow it.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip following instructions isn't an arbitrary rule we set up just to sweat you. A lot of agents use keywords & filters to keep their inboxes organized, so when you ignore instructions your query can wind up in the wrong folder, in a junk folder, or automatically deleted.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Queries are not the tool by which an agent determines whether or not they *like* your book. They are the tool by which we determine if we want to read it. #querytip #pubtip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

The problem with beginning a query with a baiting question is that you might not get the answer you're looking for #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip you may not need: We google. Don't be a truly horrid person online. Don't be one in real life either, but definitely not online.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip Please do not query by sending a flash drive. For so many reasons.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Finally, b/c I am far more likely to believe you either didn't research or you don't think rules apply to you than anything else. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

First, b/c a good query doesn't need a gimmick or schtick. You don't need to be a rebel or break the rules to get it noticed. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Here's a thing about following individual query guidelines: Is it a pain? Yes. Should you do it anyway? Will we even notice? YES. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip "It's about the shattered American dream" is not as helpful as "It's about a man whose house is threatened w/ foreclosure." (2/2)

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip when I say I want to know what the book is about, I mean literally. I mean the plot, not the metaphor. For Example... (1/2).

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Here's what should be an obvious #querytip Don't publicly shame, belittle, & insult agents and then whine about how you can't get one.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip "Dear Agent, I know you don't represent [insert genre the agent doesn't represent], but I bet you would take THIS one." -> NOPE!

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip try not to lie. Not because it's wrong, but because it usually doesn't work. #notasubtweet #notaboutyou

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#pubtip #querytip #lifetip save terms of endearment for those to whom you are actually endeared. I'm not "darling" if we've never met.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

don't begin your letter by explaining that you couldn't query the agent you *actually* want b/c they're closed to queries. #querytip #why