Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her

Literary Agent
#MSWL for 2024: AKA what I'd like to see in my agent inbox

Literary Agent
#MSWL for 2023: AKA what I'd like to see in my agent inbox…

Literary Agent
Priyanka Krishnan @mspriyanka
I don't know whether it's the season, or just 2020 in general, but I am craving a warm and wise and magical witchy story right now, brimming with sisterhood and secrets (historical or contemporary). Bonus points if it has a compelling romance! #MSWLAlways #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
MSWL for 2020: AKA, What I’d Like to See in My Agent Inbox! #mswl…

Literary Agent
Laura Crockett @LECrockett
I loved THE BIRD & THE BLADE, now I’m reading Elizabeth Bear (RANGE OF GHOSTS) for the first time—and I think what I’m loving most about these fantasies: Khan. Great Khan, Genghis Khan, Mongol Empire, Song Dynasty, Silk Road, history across the steppes & China—I want it. #mswlIf you have a historical, fantasy, or historical fantasy manuscript in adult or YA that fits this era and/or setting, or is inspired by this era and/or setting, please send to me! I want more non-Euro stories like this. #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
MSWL for 2019! Everything I’m seeking (and not seeking) this year in my agent inbox #mswl…

Literary Agent
#MSWL for 2019! Also known as: What I’d Like to See in My Agent Inbox (2.0)…

Literary Agent
Laura Crockett @LECrockett
Very specific: A, YA, or MG about a painter (or apprentice to, or child of) during the 1666 London Fire. Straight HF or hist fantasy #mswlCurrently listening to THE WEIGHT OF INK, which is about a female Jewish scribe in 1660s London. Talk about specific!
Send send send! 1660s England is FULL of amazing stories just waiting to be told. #mswl

Literary Agent
I'm seeking more contemporary and historical lately––with accessible voices, character-driven plot, heart, humor, family/friendship/sibling relationships at the center. #mswl…

Literary Agent
🐝elle 🐱gato 🐱bees🐝 @ellle_em
You know what I'd like to see more of in genre fiction?Pre-established romantic relationships.
The story isn't about "finding love" but about people who are already IN LOVE, who already worked through the shaky beginnings, who are comfortable & stable w/each other
An EXCELLENT thread! #mswl for adult fantasy and hist fic

Literary Agent
MSWL for 2018: AKA What I'd Like to See in my Agent Inbox for 2018… #mswl

Literary Agent
Holidays won't stop me from actively seeking contemporary, fantasy, & historical in YA/Adult, select MG mystery & fantasy 📚… #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWLaesthetic Mechanics of creation. "Archaic" passions are intriguing&atmospheric esp w the right voice&narrative. HF, F, WF, A/YA #mswl