Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
Literary Agent
8,000 words is not a novel. #pubtip #querytip #writingtip
Literary Agent
Carrie @OneBookishMom
Do kids really text like this? And even if they do, why do authors have to use it? I hate having to stop reading to Google what it means., today's teens don't text or msg like this. Unless your book is early 00s in the AIM/T9 days, this has no place in your book #pubtip
Literary Agent
Gillian Berry, Keeper of Keys & Grounds @ Hogwarts @mizgillianberry
Little subtweety rant thread on one of the biggest book issues I stumble upon as a blogger: a lack of believable conflict.Read this thread. #writetip #pubtip #amwriting Not just for bloggers, but for ALL readers and writers!
Literary Agent
Laura Crockett ☕️ @LECrockett
If you're struggling to have an excellent first line in your book, I suggest the Look Inside feature on Amazon for all your fav/TBR reads.There's a reason these sell/circulate so well. Sometimes it does come down to that attention-grabbing 1st line #Triadatip #amwriting #pubtip
Literary Agent
Queries showcase the ms AS WELL AS who you are & what it'll be like to work with you. Research, edit, seek betas, follow guidelines! #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
30K words is not an adult novel. #pubtip