Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q9. YA fantasy. Pass. Big world and warring kingdoms but without a unique hook to make it standapart from other fantasy. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q8. illustrated/humor. Don’t love the artwork and 1st person voice isn't convincing. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q7. YA/contemp. Pass. Pitch didn’t really tell me enough about character to interest me & no sample pages included. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q6. MG/animal story. Pass. Cute but stakes feel way too low for my taste. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q5: Adult/hist. Pass. Doesn’t seem to reveal a new facet of historical event. Felt too familiar & just doesn't jump out. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q4: Adult/scifi. Pass. Cool premise but very stilted dialogue was hard to get past. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

MG/contemp fantasy. Pass. Query tells what protag wants but not strong sense of what's in the way. Where's the central conflict? #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q2: Adult/hist. Pass. Opening didn’t pull me in. Gives too much info in first page without having a strong emotional hook. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q1: Adult/thriller. Pass. Protag felt overly familiar and voice is a bit too detached/report-like. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q10: MG contemp. Very sweet premise, but the voice here isn't working for me -- sounds too young to be believable 12y/o. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q9: YA steampunk romance. Sounds...weird & cool but I'm not sure it's for me. Though I did dress up as a steampunk 5 Halloweens in a row.

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q8: MG historical. Pitch just doesn't sound exciting to me. And the voice in sample is a tad clinical. #tenqueries #askagent

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q6: YA. Writing is good but fantasy premise is just too familiar. I need the world building to have a GREAT hook for my fantasy. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q5. World's longest query letter, and at the end, I'm still not sure what it's about. Pass. #tenqueries #askagent

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q4: YA contemp. Pass. Issue-driven premise a tad familiar so the voice would have to sing. Too snarky for my taste, though. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q2. YA contemp. Pass. Again, opening just doesn't pull me in. Too much description, not enough happening. Who is this character?

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

Q1: P. Interesting concept, but the opening is all dialogue. Not even dialogue tags. I'm lost.

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

9: YA. Bulk of query is about the inspiration for the book. Not much of a plot going on, just an interesting setting. P. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

7: MG. World's LONGEST query letter. And yet, I'm still not sure what it's about. Too much emphasis on adult characters. P. #tenqueries

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

6: YA -- book about a group of teens with super powers. This is just too tough right now & it feels a tad derivative. P. #tenqueries