Sam B. Farkas

Literary Agent

Jill Grinberg Literary Management

Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I want a YA Sweetbitter — intense coming-of-age set in the very messy restaurant world. #mswl

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I can't remember if I have asked for this before, but I desperately want a picture book inspired by the cats with their own tiny prayer mats. #MSWL…

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I am still closed to queries, but I can’t resist #MSWL day.

When I reopen, I’d love some high concept apocalyptic books. Think HELL FOLLOWED WITH US, or (of course) The Last of Us.

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels
Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

The Fantasy I am still looking for is:

- fantasy written by and starring BIPOC
- literary poetic prose (especially in MG—think Kelly Barnhill)
- folkloric quality/grounded in history (Alice Hoffman; Rena Rossner; my wonderful client Mary McMyne)


Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

Pssst, I have reopened to queries!

The long and short of it is: I'd like to see less Fantasy, and more of other genres (suspense, romance, historical). #mswl

(I am still open to Fantasy. See next tweet).

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels
Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I'd really love to do some Adult Non-Fiction this year. I'm mainly interested in food writing/history (think CORK DORK, DRUNK, THE COOKING GENE). #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

And, of course, I love a good YA rom-com, the funnier the better :) #mswl

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I'd also love to see high-concept YA thrillers, especially if they incorporate a structure that adds to the tension. I'm haunted by Stephanie Kuehn's WHEN I AM THROUGH WITH YOU, which is told from jail, and I'd looooove something like that. #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

My YA romantasy caveat is that the romance must be between humans. I am not the right fit for fae or elves or orcs or mermaids or aliens or robots.

(However, things that were once human are OK: vampires, werewolves, ghosts). #mswl

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

That is not the case for YA, though! I really, really want romantic fantasy (or "romantasy").

Give me pining and angst and love triangles. The rush of first love. All that good stuff.


Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I will remain open to Adult SFF, but given that I have many wonderful clients writing in that space, it won't be my focus this year.


Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I'm also hungry for ROMANCE. Especially contemporary, but also historical.

Again, I'm looking for a really strong hook in this category. Humor is a plus! #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

Sam B. Farkas @SamBFarkas

Speaking of which, if you send me a Nazi romance, I will delete it. I can't believe I have to SAY this, but I get way too many of these. Stop.

Which brings me to HISTORICAL. I want it, but it needs to have a strong hook. A historical setting for the sake of vibes isn't enough, as much as I ❤️ vibes. I love books that explore real people/events, especially if those people/events haven't been represented in fiction before

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I'm also not the right fit for political thrillers — with the caveat that a very specific #MSWL item is a book starring campaign trackers. I don't know if it's a thriller or a rom-com that I want, though. (However, if it's a rom-com, no "across the aisle" romance. Yuck.)

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

OK, #MSWL time. In Adult, I want SUSPENSE, especially centering women, queer characters, and BIPOC. I prefer smaller scale, with high personal stakes.

I'm not the right fit for detectives/police/military or ppl running around the world trying to stop [insert catastrophic thing]

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

Happy New Year! It's time for my 2022 #MSWL. As always, I'll add to this as I think of things, but here is what I would love to see in my inbox.

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels