Sam B. Farkas

Literary Agent

Jill Grinberg Literary Management

Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

In MG I'm really drawn to books that include deeply flawed adult characters who influence the narrative beyond the standard parent/teacher roles. Examples: SEE YOU IN THE COSMOS by Jack Cheng; THE BOOK OF BOY by Catherine Gilbert Murdock. #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

My SFF feelings apply to YA, too -- although in YA I am more open to Contemporary Fantasy/Paranormal than I am in Adult.

In YA and MG, I'm really looking for everything and anything, but lately my tastes have skewed more Contemporary. #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

On to SFF! I am here for light SFF. I have trouble with space operas and anything with elves, orcs, etc.

I like my sci-fi techy and plausible (i.e. RECURSION by Blake Crouch) and my fantasy grounded in history/folktale (think SPINNING SILVER, CITY OF BRASS, THE POPPY WAR). #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

I would also commit crimes for a novel from the PoV of Marie-Anne Lavoisier. CRIMES, I TELL YOU.

Swoony romance. Scientific partnership. The conservation of mass. A weird milk diet. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. * bangs pots and pans * #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

And just throwing this out there: I would commit crimes for a novel from the PoV of Chaja Bielski (with the caveat that it's coming from a Jewish author) #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

In a similar vein, I love biographical novels, and I would love to read about some lesser-known people.

Favorites: THE SECRET HISTORY by Stephanie Thornton; LOVE & RUIN by Paula McLain; UNDER THE WIDE AND STARRY SKY by Nancy Horan #MSWL

Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

Sam B. Farkas @SamBFarkas

Hi! Since I am now open to queries, I'm going to do a #MSWL thread. I'm open to most categories and genres (see our website for details), but I'm especially eager for the following:

Adult Historical Fiction.

Think Kate Quinn or Alice Hoffman -- upmarket book club fiction that brings history to life.

Favorites: WATER FOR ELEPHANTS by Sara Gruen; THE HUNTRESS by Kate Quinn; THE DOVEKEEPERS by Alice Hoffman; I SHALL BE NEAR TO YOU by Erin Lindsay McCabe #MSWL