Hannah VanVels

Literary Agent

Belcastro Agency

📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips

In Middle Grade, I'd love to see:
⚽️Fantasy inspired by myths, folklore, or legends
⚽️Historical that centers POC stories
⚽️Contemporary with an environmental bent
⚽️Horror with ghosts, creepy crawlies, and witches
⚽️Growing up in non-traditional settings
⚽️Earth-based sci-fi

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips

Things I love across the board:
🌟Stories inspired by mythology, folklore, and legends
🌟Magical schools
🌟Empathetic villains and morally gray heroes/antiheroes. Bring on the thieves, assassins, and characters with questionable pasts

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips

In Middle Grade, I'd love to see:
🧢Fantasy inspired by myths, folklore, or legends—especially if it's not European
🧢Historical that centers POC stories
🧢Contemporary with an environmental bent
🧢Horror with ghosts, creepy crawlies, and witches
🧢 Earth-based sci-fi

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips
Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips