Hannah VanVels

Literary Agent

Belcastro Agency

📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips

In Picture Books, I'd love to see:
🍎Family traditions and how they shape us
🍎Silly and fun wordplay
🍎Poetic, lyrical books that show emotional resilience
🍎Biographies and nonfiction focusing on people and eras that have been historically overlooked

Hannah VanVels
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @belcastr | Editor | Writer | #RevPit | Devoted German shepherd & cat mom | Amateur baker | Sparkling water enthusiast | she/her ✏️
55 AskAgent
65 Queries
3 Tips