Eric Smith
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches.
- #mswl (175)
- #tenqueries (2)
- #querytip (2)
- #pubtip (6)
- #askPSLA (51)
- #querywin (2)
- #askDVpit (1)
- #asklitAOC (11)

Literary Agent
As for me, I'm always looking for genre-blending literary fiction, accessible sci-fi and fantasy, diverse and inclusive kid-lit, and moving non-fiction.
Some recent examples from my list? Here are some by @AlisonStine @mikechenwriter @mk_england and @JamesTateHill.

Literary Agent
Randomly thinking about how diverse, inclusive adult literary fiction, set in small, intimate settings, have just rocked my reading heart the last few years.
If you're writing anything that'll make me feel the way @ZillianZi and @blgtylr's books have, you should query me. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Hey writers!
During this downtime I’m reading a lot! Here’s my #MSWL!
✨ Genre blending literary fiction! Give me that weird stuff.
🌈 Diverse, inclusive YA! Give me books that reflect the world!
😳 Non-fiction that surprises and delights!
Let’s go!

Literary Agent
It begins. I'm open to queries again at @PSLiterary!
You can check out my #MSWL over on my blog.
Happy New Year, let's make some books.…

Literary Agent
I open up to queries again at @PSLiterary on Monday, so I've updated my wishlist!
I'd love to see more adult fiction and non-fiction this year. Send me your messy genre-blending stories, niche cookbooks, and complex memoirs.
Details on the blog!… #MSWL

Literary Agent
I'm looking for genre-blending literary fiction, stories that give us something magical or speculative alongside prose that stirs up FEELINGS.
Perfect examples: The Night Circus by @erinmorgenstern, Here & Now & Then by @mikechenwriter, Station Eleven by @EmilyMandel. #MSWL

Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency @PSLiterary
"Literary fiction that takes you into small worlds and communities where I'm an outsider. A glimpse inside a complex family, or a workplace." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL @ZillianZi's Number One Chinese Restaurant absolutely ruined me last year. I desperately want to read a novel that makes me feel like that again. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Eric Smith @ericsmithrocks
Honestly one of the best novels I’ve ever read. Pick up @pengshepherd’s book!…I talk a lot about how my favorite kind of literary fiction blends genres, pulling the speculative or a bit of magic into it.
And this one is a perfect, stunning example of that.
More books like @pengshepherd’s in my query box, please. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Still getting the occasional DM asking if I'm open to queries... and I am! :-D
Here's what I'm looking for:
Most genres of YA.
Genre blending literary fiction.
Accessible sci-fi and fantasy.
Memoir and essay collections.
Query me! #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Seeing a lot of queries from folks who love @mikechenwriter, and that fills my heart.
Reminder... I'm looking for adult literary genre blends, like Here & Now & Then, or like Station Eleven by @EmilyMandel and The Night Circus by @erinmorgenstern. #MSWL

Literary Agent
This year, I really want to find more genre-blending literary fiction. It's a big focus.
See books like Station Eleven, The Night Circus, and The Monsters of Templeton as perfect examples.
I've been so lucky with @mikechenwriter @AlisonStine and @boycebabbles. Send me more!

Literary Agent
Good morning! It's March 1st and I'm officially open to queries again at @PSLiterary!
Here's my #MSWL on my website, and I'm going to tweet a little bit about what I'm looking for... let's go.…

Literary Agent
Pst. This Friday I open up to queries at @PSLiterary again.
I really want to find more genre-blending literary fiction, diverse + inclusive YA, quirky non-fiction, and lots more.
The full #MSWL is here!

Literary Agent
Hey writer friends!
I've been closed to submissions since the summer and... I'll be opening up again on March 1st!
Literary fiction! Young Adult books! SFF! Cookbooks! Quirky non-fiction and moving memoir! Here's what I'm looking for in 2019. #MSWL…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Reminder, I'm super open for queries now at @PSLiterary!
Looking for YA, non-fiction, literary fiction, sci-fi / fantasy, and more.
Details on the blog! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Today is the day!
I'm open for queries again at @PSLiterary! Looking for YA, non-fiction (especially essays and memoir!), literary fiction, and more.
Details of my wishlist, here! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Hey writer friends!
I open up to queries next week! This is what I'm looking for in 2018.
YA! SFF! Non-fiction! Cookbooks! Literary novels! Let's make some books together. #MSWL