Eric Smith
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
- #mswl (175)
- #tenqueries (2)
- #querytip (2)
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Literary Agent
Today's #PubTIp: When working on a publishing contract that is over a dozen pages long, be sure to put your keyboard away when a toddler is... oh, I don't know, awake and grabbing everything nearby?
Don't think this publisher cares about a grant of rights for "aksdjhfajkldshf."
Literary Agent
When pitching around a book, it’s a good idea to have Chariots of Fire playing in the background, to make the experience nice and epic. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Reminder: It just takes one yes. #pubtip #thisisahappysubtweet
Literary Agent
Reminder: Don't give up. Keep pushing. Run those books into the ground.
The universe might surprise you. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Delilah S. Dawson @DelilahSDawson
A query should make an agent say: OMG I HAVE TO READ THIS!A synopsis should make an agent say: This writer understands story structure.
Some truths from one of my favorite writers, @DelilahSDawson. #pubtip