Eric Smith
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches.
- #mswl (175)
- #tenqueries (2)
- #querytip (2)
- #pubtip (6)
- #askPSLA (51)
- #querywin (2)
- #askDVpit (1)
- #asklitAOC (11)

Literary Agent
As for me, I'm always looking for genre-blending literary fiction, accessible sci-fi and fantasy, diverse and inclusive kid-lit, and moving non-fiction.
Some recent examples from my list? Here are some by @AlisonStine @mikechenwriter @mk_england and @JamesTateHill.

Literary Agent
Eric Smith @ericsmithrocks
This book is very good, I should know. ❤️🎶✨🏳️🌈…Also please, and I cannot stress this enough, send me your inclusive and diverse fantasy novels. Adult and YA!
I need more in my life. #mswl

Literary Agent
It begins. I'm open to queries again at @PSLiterary!
You can check out my #MSWL over on my blog.
Happy New Year, let's make some books.…

Literary Agent
I open up to queries again at @PSLiterary on Monday, so I've updated my wishlist!
I'd love to see more adult fiction and non-fiction this year. Send me your messy genre-blending stories, niche cookbooks, and complex memoirs.
Details on the blog!… #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm dying to find more accessible adult sci-fi and fantasy novels, along the lines of @ChuckWendig @pengshepherd @DelilahSDawson and @KatWithSword.
I've read everything they've written, and would love to find a SFF novel that makes me feel like The Book of M. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Still getting the occasional DM asking if I'm open to queries... and I am! :-D
Here's what I'm looking for:
Most genres of YA.
Genre blending literary fiction.
Accessible sci-fi and fantasy.
Memoir and essay collections.
Query me! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Sangu Mandanna @SanguMandanna
@DelilahSDawson I’d love to see more brown people! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a South Asian person on screen or page in Star Wars, other than Riz Ahmed! So a brown girl would be so cool! More mental illness rep would be great too.This is also eternally on my #MSWL for YA and adult sci-fi and fantasy, please. Brown kids in space.

Literary Agent
I'd love to find some more SFF novels that are fun, moving, diverse, and accessible.
My favorite SFF read last year was by @pengshepherd, and I'm smitten with the works of @KatWithSword @DelilahSDawson and @ChuckWendig.
The City of Brass by @SAChakrabooks is a perfect book.

Literary Agent
Good morning! It's March 1st and I'm officially open to queries again at @PSLiterary!
Here's my #MSWL on my website, and I'm going to tweet a little bit about what I'm looking for... let's go.…

Literary Agent
Hey writer friends!
I've been closed to submissions since the summer and... I'll be opening up again on March 1st!
Literary fiction! Young Adult books! SFF! Cookbooks! Quirky non-fiction and moving memoir! Here's what I'm looking for in 2019. #MSWL…

Literary Agent
Melissa @melissasee
@ericsmithrocks What YA would you like have come across your desk?When I open up for queries again (Springtime?), I am desperate for some more YA SFF genre blending novels, with the kind of expert world building I've seen in @RantingOwl @heidiheilig and @SanguMandanna's books. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Reminder, I'm super open for queries now at @PSLiterary!
Looking for YA, non-fiction, literary fiction, sci-fi / fantasy, and more.
Details on the blog! #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I also really want to find more accessible, devour-able sci-fi and fantasy novels.
Some of my favorites include @KatWithSword @fran_wilde and @ChuckWendig.
@SChakrabs wrote my favorite SFF novel of 2017. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Hey writer friends!
I open up to queries next week! This is what I'm looking for in 2018.
YA! SFF! Non-fiction! Cookbooks! Literary novels! Let's make some books together. #MSWL

Literary Agent
And PLEASE send me your LGBTQ+ YA. All genres, but would love some SFF.
I adore books by @robin_talley @AdamSilvera @beckyalbertalli. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Very hungry for voice-driven sci-fi and fantasy.
If you write prose that can punch me in the face like @ChuckWendig's can, email me. #MSWL