Amy Stapp

Literary Agent

Wolfson Literary

Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

#amwritingfiction #writerscommunity #MSWL I'd like this historical novel please--friendship story, intergenerational story, beach read with depth and heart…

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I'd love to read a historical fic about the Indian soldiers who fought for the Brits in WWII (at a time when the struggle for freedom from UK rule was at its height). When I say I want to see a NEW side of WWII/histfic, this is what I mean (& written by an Indian author!) #MSWL

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

Today's mood-setting playlist brought to you by Rupert Holmes "Escape" on repeat (aka the pina colada song...) Is this plot a book yet? Better go ahead and throw that on the ol' #MSWL

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I just had a call with a fabulous editor who mentioned she’d like to find a glamorous upmarket historical about the Harlem Renaissance! Can I second this #MSWL x1000 🙏

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

#MSWL I’m most eager to find twisty, intelligent suspense, upmarket book club fiction, women’s fic that explores friendship and multi-generational ties, light magical realism, and historical fiction from a new perspective or setting. I want more diverse/underrepresented voices!

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

A good friend has a juicy, layered 1920s mystery MS and I realized how hard it is to find amazing prohibition-era mysteries that aren't lighthearted sleuthing or cozy mysteries. I'd love your recs (and as always this is a #MSWL !)

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

Child-in-danger thrillers. What's your stance?

They've never bothered me, and folks used to tell me, You'll get it when you're a mom... Um no, sorry, guess I'm missing that particular mom gene. Ha! I still like dark. #mswl #thrillers

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

#MSWL More WWII fiction set somewhere other than the UK or France. Give me the new voices. There are so many more stories we haven't heard. #WomensFiction #HistoricalFiction

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I think my new editor soulmate is on to something... "What happens if someone is murdered during their Amish Rumspringa? Would their family ever know what happened to them?"
🙏Someone write this please! #MSWL

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I've received a wave of queries from incredibly talented LGBT authors lately, so it seems like a good time to send the reminder: I'm always looking for diverse voices of ALL varieties and cultures, in YA/Adult/MG. I want to know your unique story. #mswl #ownvoices

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

📚Updated #mswl for 2020 📚
2019 brought a lot of great YA to my inbox, and oh how I love it, but really looking for a lot more adult fiction in 2020.
Particularly hungry for suspense and women's fiction with a high concept hook…

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

Great meetings with editors this week. Some #MSWL takeaways that really resonated with me: the "PTA-mom-finally-loses-her-sh*t"-style female thriller (YES love this!); and the "gentle horror," aka creepy and atmospheric but not too gory...
Yes, please!

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

Amy Stapp @AmyStappNY

1) Heard fellow Hoosier Buttigieg say something today that I completely relate to: “I didn’t realize how Midwestern I was until I left the Midwest.” First moving South at 18 And then I didn’t realize how very American I was til I saved every dollar I earned to go to Paris at 21.

2) It got me thinking about why I love travel stories or fish out of water stories or stories of cultures different from my own, particularly in the young adult space. Travel stretches you in ways you can’t anticipate. #MSWL But at heart, still a midwestern girl here in NYC 😉

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I just watched that netflix show about pirates... entertaining, but my point is... WHY have I never read a book about Ching Shih before?? I've seen nonfic, but this is begging to be a novel in a talented author's hands. This woman's story is incredible! #MSWL #HistoricalFiction

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I'd love a novel of the female code breakers of WWII. I've seen non-fic, but I haven't yet found it in upmarket #WomensFiction and I can't help but devour new WWII stories--I'm automatically picking up that book 📚 #MSWL #historical

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I'm eagerly looking for an #ownvoices immigration story. #MSWL

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I've been seeing a lot of queries with sophisticated tinges of horror (both YA and adult) and I am Loving it right now! Especially the Gothic horror. Perfect fall reading... #MSWL

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

I can't wait to meet the talented Southern writers at #MoonlightandMagnolias #MMConference19 this weekend in ATL, my old stomping grounds. I'll be looking for mystery, historical, women's fic, and of course a lil romance! I love a determined character full of grit & grace #MSWL

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

#MSWL Transitioning from high school to early college years with a lot of girl friendships, awkwardness, and tons of humor. I want to feel like I'm reading a YA Pitch Perfect with Anna Kendrick's voice in my head.

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

High on my #MSWL right now: Sophisticated, twisty (adult) thrillers and suspense! I want secrets galore! I want to be surprised. Bonus points for a strong sense of place.