Tiffany Shelton
St. Martin's Press
Editor & Manager, Acquisitions Outreach @StMartinsPress • Foodie • Tattoo + Tea Addict • Siren of Sass • Opinions are mine • 🇨🇦-🇺🇲 (🇯🇲🇮🇳🇨🇳)

Hey, y'all! I've updated my #MSWL twitter collection and #MSWL profile (which include submission guidelines). Pinning it here for easy access. Please note I'm no longer looking for traditional romance.……

Angela Song @angelasong95
asians are the original horse girls and I’m just begging someone to write about a girl and her 3500 BCE horse domestication adventuresOooo yes give me this in YA or adult! Is it queer? Even better! #MSWL

Alex Brown 🐀 (they/them) - Ignyte & Hugo finalist @QueenOfRats
Was trying to put together a list of trad pub from the last 10 years YA horror and SF alien books by Black authors and with Black MCs and hit a wall. There are too few of these titles, publishing industry! Give me more! My students will devour them.Give me all the Black YA Horror! You know we would actually be the ones to survive of horror movies mimicked real life. #MSWL

Tasha Suri (Updates Only) @tashadrinkstea
Have some real thoughts about historical fiction with BIPOC that grapples with colonialism and imperialism, versus stuff like Bridgerton which paints a fantasy of history that allows BIPOC to be the heroes and heroines we've long seen in regency period dramas...This 🧵. This is what I've been saying to every agent I've spoken to about the historical fiction I want to see in my inbox. #MSWL


Kalynn Bayron @KalynnBayron
sometimes the books just happen to feature queer and/or BIOOC characters existing in ways that don’t center trauma. There is value in that too. Y’all let white/cishet books just exist without speaking to some profound life lesson. Keep that same energy with us.THIS!
These are the books I want. #MSWL

Rebecca Rodd @rebroddreads
But right now I would especially love to see:- anything set on an HBCU campus
- all of the magical realism
- mythological retellings
- romance/love stories (deep and profound and HARD or light and feel good)
- all the millennial joy and adulting hardships
Y'all I got to talk with @rebroddreads today and she is amazing. Definitely send her your stuff (so then she can sell it to me and we can all work together).
And I want everything in this list #MSWL

Adding and pinning links to my #MSWL twitter collection and #MSWL profile (which include submission guidelines) for easy access.……

Tiffany Shelton (she/her) 🧛🏾♀️ @TiffanyDiahann
GIVE ME HISTORICAL FICTION THAT DOES NOT ERASE BLACK PEOPLE OR ANY POC.I will continue to say that Belle is one of my favorite movies (and yes I did read the nonfic book), and I want fiction like it.
I feel like I'm just going to constantly retweet this until I find what I'm looking for in historical fiction. Even open to a gothic horror novel with BIPOC set in the 18th and 19th centuries. #MSWL



Adding and pinning links to my #MSWL twitter collection and #MSWL profile for easy access.……


Lane @lanewriteswords
I am begging for more books set in college and graduate school. And not just academia or dark academia. I want twenty-somethings keekeeing on the quad trying to coordinate costumes for a Halloweekend bar hop.Yes this! Give it to me #MSWL…



Give me a book based on dorothea. #evermorealbum #mswl

THE□HYBRID™ @_stevewills
Soulmate friendships are indeed very realTHIS IS WHY I WANT MORE FRIENDSHIP STORIES. #MSWL

Tiffany Shelton 👻🧟♀️🌙🎃🔮 @TiffanyDiahann
Agents, I would love to see more adult subs! I'm looking for upmarket book club fiction. If you have the next Kiley Reid, Raven Leilani, Celeste Ng, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Brit Bennett, Camille Pagán, Asha Lemmie, or any other authors who write in this space, send my way! #MSWLAlso adding Colson Whitehead and Ta-Nehisi Coates to this wish list. #MSWL