Tiffany Shelton
St. Martin's Press
Editor & Manager, Acquisitions Outreach @StMartinsPress • Foodie • Tattoo + Tea Addict • Siren of Sass • Opinions are mine • 🇨🇦-🇺🇲 (🇯🇲🇮🇳🇨🇳)
Tiffany Shelton
Editor & Manager, Acquisitions Outreach @StMartinsPress • Foodie • Tattoo + Tea Addict • Siren of Sass • Opinions are mine • 🇨🇦-🇺🇲 (🇯🇲🇮🇳🇨🇳)
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Alex Brown 🐀 (they/them) - Ignyte & Hugo finalist @QueenOfRats
Was trying to put together a list of trad pub from the last 10 years YA horror and SF alien books by Black authors and with Black MCs and hit a wall. There are too few of these titles, publishing industry! Give me more! My students will devour them.Give me all the Black YA Horror! You know we would actually be the ones to survive of horror movies mimicked real life. #MSWL
Tiffany Shelton
Editor & Manager, Acquisitions Outreach @StMartinsPress • Foodie • Tattoo + Tea Addict • Siren of Sass • Opinions are mine • 🇨🇦-🇺🇲 (🇯🇲🇮🇳🇨🇳)
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Tiffany Shelton (she/her) 🧛🏾♀️ @TiffanyDiahann
GIVE ME HISTORICAL FICTION THAT DOES NOT ERASE BLACK PEOPLE OR ANY POC.I will continue to say that Belle is one of my favorite movies (and yes I did read the nonfic book), and I want fiction like it.
I feel like I'm just going to constantly retweet this until I find what I'm looking for in historical fiction. Even open to a gothic horror novel with BIPOC set in the 18th and 19th centuries. #MSWL