Nikki Terpilowski
Literary Agent
Holloway Literary
Founder of @HollowayLit #LiteraryAgent of bestselling authors. IG:

Literary Agent
Would still really love to find #sweetromance or #womensfiction with #culinary or #magical elements and or #beach settings. Viola Shipman-ish or Sarah Addison Allen-ish #mswl especially with an African-American protagonist.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
A Woman Reading @AWomanReading
I went to an #escapegame room over the weekend and I'm obsessed. Literally read everything I could about them. I'd heard about these before but... I can't wait to try another! Who do I know that loves these as much as me?
Literary Agent
Stacey Donovan @Donovanesque
I would LOVE more cute, sweet romance submissions with black, Asian, or Latino main characters! 65K or more, winter, Valentine’s Day, or spring esp. ❄️❤️🌸Agents, I’d love to get these as proposals, too! #MSWL #Hallmark #OwnVoices #amwriting #publishing#mswl if you're un-agented, I'd love to take a look at these. Send to submissions at Read the submission guidelines on our website first and mention Stacey's Tweet in your query. :)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#mswl Would love to find #contemporaryromance #YA (especially #fantasy and #scifi) and #thrillers featuring #Indian protagonists. #India #Bollywood #ownvoices a plus!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Please send me your stories about the new #spaceforce. I am waiting. #MSWL Starship Trooper-ish (the book or film - they're very different) is fine. #YA, Adult or Romance???

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent