Vicki Lame


St. Martin's Press

Wednesday Books

Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks. Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Hello, yes, while you are all paying attention because vampires, I would also love a diverse YA romantic comedy of sorts. (Think When Dimple Met Rishi or I Believe in a Thing Called Love) #mswl

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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#MSWL a totally delicious YA romantic comedy that is diverse; still trying to find my perfect Paris novel (YA or adult); a historical YA mystery (think Jennifer Donnelly's These Shallow Graves); magical realism 4-ever

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Tempted to post a bunch of Olympian stories with #MSWL by saying, "This, but a YA novel." Like, don't you want to see a YA featuring a total bad*ss like Chloe Kim?

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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All of this talk about The Good Place really makes me want a YA featuring a Chidi character. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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YA (any genre) that features a character that would easily be invited to a dinner with Chuck Bass and Damon Salvatore. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Sept subs are rolling in! <3 Wanted: the smart YA romance of my dreams, my own Raven Boys, & well, whatever I haven't thought of yet! #mswl

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Strange and beautiful novels featuring magical realism elements (adult and YA) #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Smartly written diverse YA of all kinds (contemporary, fantasy, historical), adult historical featuring women who defy norms #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Retellings (adult or YA) that are whip smart and full of complex, rich characters (think Jane Steele), YA verse novels #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Smart YA romance (think Stephanie Perkins), voicey contemp YA, immersive YA fantasy that feels like something new (think Wintersong) #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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YA Fiction: French Revolution setting. High concept fantasy. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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YA Fiction: Addictive sexy romance. Smart, funny YA romantic comedies. Stories about tough topics that make them accessible to teens. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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YA & adult fiction: Epistolaries. Retellings with a fresh twist &sharp writing. Novels that are dark fairytales. Paris setting. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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Adult/YA historical:: Revisionist histories set in Europe. Stories set during times of great social/cultural/political upheaval. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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YA or adult fiction in the Gothic tradition. #MSWL

Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
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YA Fiction: Stories set in lush worlds we have yet to explore, narratives that are primarily stories of female friendship. #MSWL