Eric Williams


5310 Publishing

Publisher at @5310publishing spreading happiness every day through books. I'm changing the world, one book at a time! 😁 I'm a bottomless pit of information!

Eric Williams
Publisher at @5310publishing spreading happiness every day through books. I'm changing the world, one book at a time! 😁 I'm a bottomless pit of information!
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Please more BIPOC and Trans voices, from anywhere in the world! #MSWL

Romance Novels
Historical Fiction
Contemporary Fiction
Speculative Fiction
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Thriller & Suspense
Action & Adventure
Mystery & Detective
LGBTQ+ Fiction

We are accepting MS submissions!

Eric Williams
Publisher at @5310publishing spreading happiness every day through books. I'm changing the world, one book at a time! 😁 I'm a bottomless pit of information!
7 AskAgent
26 Tips

#Thriller & Suspense #MSWL

Any, especially caper, cozies, conspiracy theories, disaster, bumbling detective, revenge, investigative, softboiled, heist, suspense, mystery, crime, thriller, spy, psychological, historical, howdunit, whodunit, and romantic thrillers.