Mara Delgado-Sánchez
Assistant Editor
St. Martin's Press
Wednesday Books
🇵🇷 That witch from the Caribbean. Word wrangler @stmartinspress | @wednesdaybooks. Somewhere with the chupacabras. Opinions mine. (she/her)
Assistant Editor
and high concept thrillers. I want to see something different and fresh
- For contemporary, I’m looking for stories on the lighter side (friendships, romcoms, family, etc)
For Adult:
Basically what I said above. I also do category romance, women’s fiction centered on #MSWL
Assistant Editor
For YA:
- I’m looking for any and all kinds of fantasy, from grim dark to the lightest, fluffiest contemporary fantasy
- I’m looking for Gothic stories. I love the concept of monsters, the uncanny, the way it delves into the characters
- I’m also looking for supernatural #MSWL
Assistant Editor
Mara Delgado is lost somewhere @little_mswriter
I am actively looking for Latinx voices.For YA, I would adore a fantasy (or all of them), magical realism and romcoms. I like the light and fluffy in contemporary.
For adult, historical romances, romcoms, WF focused on relationships and magical realism. Commercial fic #MSWL
Latinx voices, come to meeeeee so we can work togetheeeeer!
Also, Latinx fantasies! #MSWL…
Assistant Editor
Jewish writers! Send me your stories! Light and fluffy contemporary, fantasy! I want to see them! #MSWL
Assistant Editor
For YA contemp, I’m looking for the light and fluffy kind! I’d love to see diverse romcoms! #MSWL
Assistant Editor
I am actively looking for Latinx voices.
For YA, I would adore a fantasy (or all of them), magical realism and romcoms. I like the light and fluffy in contemporary.
For adult, historical romances, romcoms, WF focused on relationships and magical realism. Commercial fic #MSWL
Assistant Editor
Mara Delgado-Sanchez 🇵🇷 @little_mswriter
I love YA fantasy and I’m looking for diverse stories and #ownvoices here. Where are the Latinx witches and kingdoms? Take me to places based off of cultures like my own, and not like my own. I like contemp, court intrigue, plot twists and tropes (and spins on tropes too) #MSWLStill looking for my Latinx fantasy! (And reading the gems in my inbox) #mswl
Assistant Editor
I love YA fantasy and I’m looking for diverse stories and #ownvoices here. Where are the Latinx witches and kingdoms? Take me to places based off of cultures like my own, and not like my own. I like contemp, court intrigue, plot twists and tropes (and spins on tropes too) #MSWL
Assistant Editor
I love myths, legends and fairytales. I’d love to see some retellings or adaptations. They can be contemporary, historical, fantasy, etc. #MSWL