Dawn Dowdle
Literary Agent
Blue Ridge Agency
Literary Agent. Representing Mysteries, Romances, Picture Books, Middle Grade Mysteries, True Crime and Cookbooks. blueridgeagency.com

Literary Agent
#MSWL Cozy Mystery 60-90K, female protagonist see blueridgeagency.com for querying instructions. Looking forward to reading them!

Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, Cozy Mystery, Medical Romance, Romantic Suspense, Historical Romance blueridgeagency.com Looking forward to reading! #Romance #CozyMystery

Literary Agent
#pitmad Seeking Amish Romance! Also Cozy Mysteries! Query instructions blueridgeagency.com #MSWL

Literary Agent
#MSWL Cozy Mystery; Amish Romance; Historical Romance; Romantic Suspense blueridgeagency.com

Literary Agent
#MSWL Cozy Mysteries 70-90K Female Protagonist blueridgeagency.com

Literary Agent
#MSWL Wishing for Historical Romance and Romantic Suspense! Always looking for Cozy Mysteries. blueridgeagency.com

Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, cozy mysteries, Romances, Mysteries blueridgeagency.com
manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/dawn… …

Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, cozy mysteries, Romance, Mysteries blueridgeagency.com

Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance blueridgeagency.com Follow Query Instructions Know editor looking for them!