Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤

Literary Agent
🌈Susan is social distancing☔ @sjpierce_author
@UweStenderPhD I got feedback on a full that was basically "great voice, writing, and characters...but I didn't feel that spark to really champion it." Is that a good sign that I don't need to tweak anything and just keep going until I find the one it clicks with?I interpret that response as a "not for me." It's neither a good sign nor a bad one, it's just a way to respond. I'd keep going based on that.

Literary Agent
Sara Henderson IS WAITING.... @Henderson79Sara
@UweStenderPhD #askagent I’ve read differing opinions on this, so I wanted to get your opinion. Is it appropriate to nudge an agent who has requested a full after a certain amount of time? I’ve read after 3- 6 months, it’s ok. Thoughts? Also, do agents always respond after requesting a full?I would wait 3 months, and then it is appropriate for sure. I would respond, but I cannot speak for others.

Literary Agent
Teresa @TeresaTraver1
@UweStenderPhD Is getting the query letter perfect as important as people say, or do first pages matter more?It depends on the agent. If you wrote a lousy query letter to me, I would likely pass instantly, & not look further. If I love your query, I will ask for the full. & then, I need to love whatever I am reading to keep reading. Other agents, incl. at Triada US, do it differently.

Literary Agent
Dalton Valette @daltonvalette
@UweStenderPhD With the pandemic, have you experienced an uptick in queries or a decline from previous years? Or about the same?No change. They come in 50+ each day. And that makes me happy. Some normalcy is reassuring these days.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Kristi Tragethon IS in FULL teacher mode! @KristiTragethon
@UweStenderPhD #askagent How long do you (on average) take to review a full manuscript? And if you’re on the fence about it...do you put it aside of awhile?That depends. Sadly, these days it can take me months, and other times, days. It depends on how busy/distracted/focused I am both professionally and personally. My average is probably 7 or 8 weeks. Sometimes I wonder if I should offer or request an R&R. That could delay things.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Rianna Cohen @riannacohen
@UweStenderPhD Any inbox trends you can share? Also, what have you read and loved recently?I WANT YA ROM-COMs. #MSWL.
I loved The Silent Patient, 8 Perfect Murders, Wann wird es endlich wieder so wie es nie war, Die Therapie, Drive Through Dreams.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
College YA is another area that has been brought up in my informal polling, @ReadWriteandMe also mentioned it. I wish that publishers were more open to it, but if you send me a great one, we may make it happen saleswise. My next #MSWL: College YA.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Belle Ellrich | 16 | Sandwolf 🐺🌿 @bookingbelle
@UweStenderPhD Another thing: Kpop and manga. They're becoming more and more popular, and I know *I'd* love to see more YA based on topics/genres similar to those. I have a lot of friends who'd read those too (McKenna, I'm looking at you since you love BTS so much).Definitely, @adiba_j mentioned it, and I now want writers to send kpop inspired projects to me. #MSWL.