Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
It is NEVER a promising sign when your query starts by alluding to the fact that this book is one of 80 you have written and completed. #querytip #amquerying #agentlife It makes me worry about things. Just query the book you want me to rep and don't mention the other 79.

Literary Agent
Dana Davis @DanaLDavis
We Need Diverse Books: youtu.be/DW4-Gr0I6L0?a via @YouTubeSubmit questions to @DanaLDavis and win a first chapter critique from ME. Go watch the video to find out how to do that. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #amwriting #amquerying #querytip #askagent #amediting

Literary Agent
A question writers SHOULD ask when they interview an agent for representation is: "What's your response time, when I'm your client, to my emails?" When you're their client & they habitually don't keep that time frame, fire them! #querytip #agentlife

Literary Agent
A typical question by writers when they interview an agent for representation is "Are you an editorial agent?" When you get the answer, a great follow up question would be: "Can you give me a specific example?" #querytip #agentlife

Literary Agent
EVERY writer should watch: ASK THE DEBUTS w/ Bree Barton,@_KimChance , and #TeamTriada 's @DanaLDavis ! Brilliant advice and inspiration. #pubtip #querytip #amwriting #amediting #writerslife It is in three parts, and you NEED to watch ALL three parts. youtube.com/watch?v=0KNkio…

Literary Agent
A typical question by writers when they interview an agent for representation is "How many clients do you have?" When you get the answer, a great follow up question would be: "How many of those were your clients two years ago?" #querytip #agentlife

Literary Agent
Dear writers, don't start your query with telling me I need to sign an NDA before you can submit. Crazy. #querytip #pubtip #agentlife

Literary Agent
Dear writers,don't query me with eight novels at the same time. Pick one. #querytip #pubtip #agentlife P.S. also don't query 8 within 24 hrs

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Dana Davis @DanaLDavis
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist youtu.be/Q5RMkQ-ROto?a 5 NOVEL TIPS: So you can land an AGENT!GREAT video on How To Get A Literary Agent. (it works, @DanaLDavis got ME.) #amwriting #amquerying #querytip #TeamTriada 😎

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
A forever classic from my "nutcases" folder from people who didn't handle rejection all that gracefully. #querytip #pubtip #agentlife

Literary Agent
When you write your query all in third person, at least *I* think that's weird. Uwe doesn't like that. #querytip #pubtip #agentlife

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Dr. Uwe Stender @UweStenderPhD
The first scratch out is just the title of the book, no intro, nothing. The second is a short summary. Then, the query ends. 2/Nothing about the author, no closing (i . e "Sincerely etc). But then an attachment I did not ask for. A total #queryfail #querytip 3/3

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Why?!? Just why??? Please. Don't. Not today, not ever. #querytip #pubtip #agentlife