Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Literary Agent
Tell me the next number in this sequence: 1 10 37 82 145 Query plus first 10 pages critique. #agentlife #querywin
Literary Agent
The rest: offer, auction, sale, rejection is up to the publishing gods, the editors. #agentlife #TeamTriada 😎
Literary Agent
If I cannot come up with at least ten, I won't sign the client to begin with. So now I go to my mental list of editors and query. #agentlife
Literary Agent
When I read the manuscript originally, I visualized at least ten editors who would potentially love this project. #agentlife
Literary Agent
Sometimes I run it by a colleague, sometimes I don't. It depends on how insecure I am about my phrasing. #agentlife
Literary Agent
Once I 'm 100% sure that I cannot improve the manuscript any further, I put together a query letter. #agentlife
Literary Agent
It's Day 5 of what happens when I sign a new client. Today's topic: Submission Time. #querywin #agentlife
Literary Agent
Once that is all done, the client returns to their manuscript and gets it back to me when they think it's perfect. #agentlife #querywin
Literary Agent
I prefer a long long long phone call. That way, the client and I can exchange thoughts directly. #agentlife #querywin
Literary Agent
I once gave detailed comments on a manuscript, and the writer went to a different agent using my changes. #neveragain #agentlife ##querywin
Literary Agent
That allows the potential client to figure out if they want to sign w/ me or not. However,I keep my comments general.#agentlife ##querywin
Literary Agent
During the initial call, I will let the potential client know whether I think my edits will be significant or not. #agentlife ##querywin
Literary Agent
It's Day 4 of what happens when I sign a new client. Today's topic: It's Editing Time. #querywin #agentlife
Literary Agent
Monday's topic: It's Editing Time. #querywin #agentlife 😎
Literary Agent
If the client decides to go with me they'll sign and we will get started. #querywin #agentlife
Literary Agent
But, of course it's the prospective client's call. However, if you take too long,I know I'm not your 1st choice & pass. #querywin #agentlife
Literary Agent
I either want it or I don't. If I want it badly enough, then I get my act together and run with it or pass. #querywin #agentlife
Literary Agent
I will drop everything to read and either decline or also offer. That does not take more than a week. #querywin #agentlife
Literary Agent
Here is MY take on this.If I consider a manuscript & a prospect. client tells me they have an offer,if I REALLY want it #querywin #agentlife
Literary Agent
I think it is fair to wait for a week for the author's decision. Some ask for two weeks to check with other agents. #querywin #agentlife