Heather Cashman
Literary Agent
Storm Literary Agency
literary agent, agent mentor @StormLiterary motorcycling | kayaking | mountain biking | writing

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Heather Ray @HeatherRayBooks
I wish I could accurately describe my kid's glee when he realized he might be able to use his burping skills to further the space program. "I want to be in an experiment!"Have a 9-13yo who likes humor, bodily functions, and/or science? Hand them this book. @mary_roach pic.twitter.com/74yZWw0SXj
Would love to see more #NF humorous science books like this in my inbox! #MSWL
#writingcommunity #amwriting
If you have funny, currently relevant, science nonfiction #kidlit or #A Adult lit, please message me for query details.

Literary Agent
I love to be hit with the unexpected, like the first paragraph of the Murderbot series by Martha Wells
Need more Adult and MG.
Love NF too!
Being very picky with everything but especially YA, although I never say never!

Literary Agent
Heather Cashman @HeatherCashman
9/7/21: I'm back open to queries for those #amquerying #writer people who think we'd be a good fit!#writingcommunity
#MSWL below
PB, MG, A Fic and NF
Immersive worlds, radiant voices from the first line, things that are familiar but have their own unique twist, and always with relatable but currently relevant themes. Laughter is great but I'm not the best fit for comedy.