Heather Cashman
Literary Agent
Storm Literary Agency
literary agent, agent mentor @StormLiterary motorcycling | kayaking | mountain biking | writing

Literary Agent
Check your links, because it can be a little worrisome when you give a link in your query that leads us to questionable or nonexistent websites.
#WritingCommmunity #writingadvice

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#amquerying #QueryTip
Friendly reminder that I will not open query attachments sent to my inbox, especially if they do not have anything in the body, and especially especially if I am closed.

Literary Agent
If you’ve queried me before, feel free to query me again with a new manuscript. I’ve taken on clients’ book 2 or 3. It shows you have perseverance, tenacity, and a knowledge of the industry, that you don’t take it personally, because it’s not personal.
#WritingCommunity #querytip

Literary Agent
Melissa Edwards @MelissaLaurenE
I literally just got to the end of a query that sounded interesting (was considering a request) and the P.S. is the author insulting literary agents... why would a person do thatJust gave a workshop on many similar situations...
You professionals who understand that publishing is a business---we appreciate you!
And some of the answers to this thread trying to justify this behavior...another red flag.
#amquerying #querytip #pubtip #writingcommunity

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Book titles are important!
They should:
-tell what the book’s about
-pitch your book
-intrugue the reader
-irony if possible
Hunger Games
Scrolling through a slush pile is a lot like seeing book spines on shelves. Grab the reader w/ that title!
#writing #amquerying #querytip

Literary Agent
How not to query: email with 33 attachments and ask me to email a reply with my submission requirements.
#amquerying #amwriting

Literary Agent
Hope this thread helps someone! It's my favorite way to begin a revision!
#amquerying #writingcommunity #querytip

Literary Agent
If you can't eliminate that scene, find ways to cut and make what's left more vivid and emotionally resonant.
For scenes that were out of order, take a close look at your plot. There's a reason you didn't remember it correctly.

Literary Agent
Forgotten scenes are probably not as necessary and could be drastically cut down or eliminated. Take only the very important elements and see if you can fit them in somewhere else.

Literary Agent
Include character arc and plot--whatever you can remember. No more than 1-2 paragraphs.
ONLY THEN-go to your manuscript.
Write a paragraph for every scene.
Compare the versions.

Literary Agent
#amwriting #amrevising advice thread---
Wait 6-8 weeks.
Do not look at your manuscript, synopsis, or query letter.
From memory, write every scene of your novel in order. Put remembered ones wherever you happen to remember them.

Literary Agent
Please, don't lie in your query.
About being self-published 'by a small traditional press'.
About the word count on your book.
On anything.
Because when I research you, it doesn't matter how amazing your ms is. I'll reject you and we'll both be disappointed.

Literary Agent
Put your whole name and links in your signature. I've requested manuscripts based on research done after looking at links. Just a first name signature makes me wonder if you really understand the business side of writing and take it seriously.
#amquerying #amwriting

Literary Agent
An entire paragraph of comp titles, even more than a few, begins to feel like nothing in your book is unique.
It's a balance, familiar but different.

Literary Agent
#querytip Thread
If you're going to use a comparable title that's epic (like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Shadow and Bone), you're setting the agent up to have huge expectations.
If you must use that title...
#amquerying #writingcommmunity