Heather Cashman
Literary Agent
Storm Literary Agency
literary agent, agent mentor @StormLiterary motorcycling | kayaking | mountain biking | writing
Literary Agent
Deciding between indie and traditional publishing? Check out this in-depth look at both paths from bestselling indie and trad author @ColleenHoover #pubtip #publishing bit.ly/2D8Jtn8
Literary Agent
#amwriting #writingcommunity #pubtip #querytip
The Vital Difference Between Plot and Story—and Why You Need Both janefriedman.com/the-vital-diff… via @janefriedman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Victoria Marini @LitAgentMarini
Look there's no one way to do this, but just ... show up, work hard, let go of the outcomes.Which is why I always say write for yourself. Then you already have the most satisfying outcome.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #pubtip
Literary Agent
Coincidence in a plot kills suspension of disbelief.
And weakens your character/tension by relieving conflict.
Make sure your query doesn't make it seem like a coincidence is there if it's not. And if it is, change your plot.
#pubtip #WritingCommnunity #amwriting #amquerying
Literary Agent
If you're querying, you should check your spam folder regularly for replies.
Just sayin'.
#amquerying #pubtip