Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

I'll be closing to queries 9/30. Reopen date TBD. Thanks!! #amquerying #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

Any writer would be BEYOND lucky to work with @JackieYWilliams. Check out her website to learn more about what she reps: Think your project is a fit? Query her here:… #querytip #amquerying

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

I'll be closing to queries next Friday 10/23 in order to get caught up on my submissions. Reopen date TK.

Thanks so much! (& thanks to all the amazing writers who have been patiently waiting on responses to requested materials--they're coming!). #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

I've received a few queries now where writers are apologizing for querying/ worried it's not an appropriate time to reach out. I appreciate the thought but there is 100% no need. I'm open to queries & really looking forward to reading your projects. Keep 'em coming! #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

Just a reminder to query me using Query Manager (not my email address!). Thanks! #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

Today is the last day to submit queries to me before the holidays! I'll be closed to queries 12/22-1/6. Thanks! #querytip #amagenting

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

Just a friendly reminder that sending a well-crafted query letter to our submissions inbox following our guidelines is the ONLY way to win me over when it comes to your project. There's no need to get creative with packages... 🙃 #querytip #dontdoit

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

After speaking at a conference this weekend, I want to stress that gimmicks do not make your query letter stand out. (Well, I guess they do. But not in a good way!). Agencies list what they are looking for in a submission. Take the time to follow their guidelines! #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

Hey y'all! No need to pitch me via twitter (or even pre-query me in the submission inbox). If you have a project that you think could be a fit, go ahead and send it my way. I'd love to see it! Please just keep in mind TKA's submission guidelines #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

Writers, definitely think about your spam settings when querying. Sometimes I receive automatic responses that require me to fill out a form before my email can be delivered. If you are querying someone, make it easy for them to get in touch! #pubtip #querytip #amagenting

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

If you are checking on the status of your query & whether it was received, always include the original email you queried with. #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

I hate feeling old. Don't make me squint! Always remember to make your sample pages double spaced in your query ;) #querytip

Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**
17 Tips

"I hereby submit this book" may be my new favorite #query opening of all time. #justkidding #dontdothis #querytip