Hannah Todd

Literary Agent

Janklow & Nesbit

Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her
Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her
Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her
Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I am looking for commercial fiction across the board, but the particular areas I’d like to grow are romance, SFF & mysteries! 💕🛸🧚🕵️

Further info will be on the website (link in my bio) & on slides below…

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I have another SUPER specific #mswl item... I would love submissions from people who have experience living near the Appalachian mountains. I have an idea in mind, but would also love to read any novels set in this area!

(Yes, I've ended up on Appalachian Tiktok) #amwriting

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Oooh, I forgot to add! I'd really love a book set in the 00s or 90s. Probably a classic romcom, but I'd also be open to general women's fiction that was an exploration of friendships and what it meant to be a young woman at that time. Toxic relationships/terrible fashion etc!

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Escapism is a really key aspect right now too. We are all dealing with a world in turmoil and it's pushed me away from reading the super bleak and into the more uplifting/HEA reading. If you have that in book-form, please send it my way! #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Books with really strong settings regardless of genre are a must for me!

Whether its a romcom somewhere gorgeous, a crime novel where the setting is a direct external threat, or just a chance to experience somewhere I've never been before... I love armchair travel! #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I'd love some horror too! I have recently listened to NEVER WHISTLE AT NIGHT and I loved it. I am looking for supernatural elements, creepy folklore and amazing atmospheric settings rather than tons of blood/gore. #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I'm still desperately looking for something like THREE HOURS by Rosamund Lupton, both in sense of themes (issues driven suspense) and execution. I just couldn't put that book down and it left me with all kinds of emotions.

Something like that please! #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I am often sent the more closed door romance novels (which I do love!) but I'd love to see stuff with some higher spice levels 🌶️🌶️🌶️

I still need great plot, pacing and characterisation alongside it (obviously)! I love Emily Henry, Tessa Bailey and Talia Hibbert as some inspo

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Happy Monday! I'm updating my submissions wish list...

Now this comes with the usual caveat that I am open to all of the things listed on my agent page, and these are just the things I'm particularly hankering for at the mo...



Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

And as always, I'm still looking for commercial fiction across the board but predominantly in crime/thriller, accessible book club and romance spaces. Make me laugh, cry or scared to read at night!

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I'm also still looking for a body positive romcom that can be steamy or cosy, where people's weight isn't the point of the narrative. No weight loss journeys please!

I'd also still love to see more authentic diverse leads more generally across the board in my submissions inbox!

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

And I would also love a fictional novel (book club is probs most appropriate genre) looking at someone who cooks death row meals for inmate's final meals.

Inspired by this poem I love from Shan Koyczan genius.com/Shane-koyczan-restaurant-lyrics

& also this real life story

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I also recently came across queeringthemap.com (I know, very late to this) and it made my heart full and achey. I would love a romance novel that ties this concept in... it's beautiful and full of yearning and nostalgia and drama and gossip.

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Okay so I have more on my super specific wish list (beyond all the usual: really good commercial fiction that will make me want to scream about it from the rooftops)...

I've already covered a thriller (or romance) set in a Fire Lookout in the US:
twitter.com/PalindromeTodd/status/1686290857735880704 #MSWL

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

As always, submission is via our website. You're looking for the Adult Fiction submission form at the link below. Please send here rather than to me directly as I've got it set up to send to kindle etc. so I don't miss things.

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

And more than anything, I'd just love books that are FUN! I've got authors writing me romcoms set in theme parks and cosy crime themed around antique hunters. The main unifying thread is that they are FUN to read, to work on and to connect with readers and editors #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I'd love a book club (still commercial) submission that explores the concept of love between friends in a non-toxic way and the impact of those 'breakups' and how people change together over time. It's huge and devastating and so often glossed over. #mswl