Hannah Todd

Literary Agent

Madeleine Milburn Agency

Literary agent @MMLitAgency. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent @MMLitAgency . Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Oooh, I forgot to add! I'd really love a book set in the 00s or 90s. Probably a classic romcom, but I'd also be open to general women's fiction that was an exploration of friendships and what it meant to be a young woman at that time. Toxic relationships/terrible fashion etc!

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent @MMLitAgency . Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Books with really strong settings regardless of genre are a must for me!

Whether its a romcom somewhere gorgeous, a crime novel where the setting is a direct external threat, or just a chance to experience somewhere I've never been before... I love armchair travel! #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent @MMLitAgency . Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

I'm also still looking for a body positive romcom that can be steamy or cosy, where people's weight isn't the point of the narrative. No weight loss journeys please!

I'd also still love to see more authentic diverse leads more generally across the board in my submissions inbox!

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent @MMLitAgency . Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Hannah @PalindromeTodd

Following a very busy and exciting few months of deals and client signings(!), I thought now would be a great time to update my Manuscript Wishlist! #mswl 🧵


I am DESPERATE for body-positive romcoms in the vein of Bethany Rutter and Julie Murphy. Please don't send me books where a 'weight loss journey' is the central premise. It's a real personal ick! #mswl