Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Madeleine Milburn Agency
Literary agent @MMLitAgency. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her
Literary Agent
And as always, I'm still looking for commercial fiction across the board but predominantly in crime/thriller, accessible book club and romance spaces. Make me laugh, cry or scared to read at night!
Literary Agent
Okay so I have more on my super specific wish list (beyond all the usual: really good commercial fiction that will make me want to scream about it from the rooftops)...
I've already covered a thriller (or romance) set in a Fire Lookout in the US:
twitter.com/PalindromeTodd/status/1686290857735880704 #MSWL
Literary Agent
Hannah @PalindromeTodd
I can now say that I am DELIGHTED to be working as a literary agent at the @MMLitAgency! I am actively acquiring commercial adult fiction with digital potential. From romances to crime and most things in between, I'd love to read your work! Details belowthebookseller.com/news/todd-swap…
My #mswl is here: madeleinemilburn.co.uk/looking-for/ha…
And info for submissions can be found here: madeleinemilburn.co.uk/contact/submis…