Hannah Todd

Literary Agent

Janklow & Nesbit

Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

The one thing I AM missing in the crime fiction space is a US series/titles. I'd love a rural US setting with a small town detective by an author with experience living in the States. Immerse me in the life & ensure the characterisation and mystery is still at the forefront #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

In terms of police procedural/detective fiction, I've got some really fab authors on my list in this space so it would have to be utterly standout for me to take it further. So what's your USP? Make sure you get it into the pitch! #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

On the romance side, I'm also really keen to represent a gorgeous destination romance writer. Something set in a holiday destination, anywhere in the world, so I can feel as though I've had a mini-break in a book. Bring that setting and that romance to life for me! #mswl

Hannah Todd
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Grotesquely optimistic. All views my own. ✨ No pitches via DM please ✨ She/her

Hannah @PalindromeTodd

Following a very busy and exciting few months of deals and client signings(!), I thought now would be a great time to update my Manuscript Wishlist! #mswl 🧵


I am DESPERATE for body-positive romcoms in the vein of Bethany Rutter and Julie Murphy. Please don't send me books where a 'weight loss journey' is the central premise. It's a real personal ick! #mswl