Mark Gottlieb

Literary Agent

Trident Media Group

Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
8 Tips

I smell an #alternatehistory novel! In 1916 there was a proposed Amendment to US Constitution to put all acts of war to a national vote, & anyone voting yes would have to register as a volunteer for service in US Army… #MSWL #WritingPrompt #StoryStarter

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
8 Tips

#WritingPrompt: $350m drillship built by Howard Hughes a cover for CIA to lift lost Soviet sub loaded w/ nukes up from floor of Pacific Ocean 3 mi deep. Can you fulfill this #ManuscriptWishList? Maybe try as #AlternateHistory…#MSWL #MSWishList