Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
Literary Agent
🎃👻 Victoria | The Contented Reader @thecontentedrea
Fantasy lovers are going to LOVE all the middle grade books releasing this month! 🎃 Today's post features 20 middle grade books to read in October 2020. These fantasy books are perfect for escaping to new worlds 🖤… you have a book that comps to ANY of these...#MSWL
Literary Agent
caitlin van horn @HelloCVH
please do not miss the fact in this secret-mta-employee-man-cave-hidden-under-GCT new story the MTA announced that they basically have no idea how many rooms / what the layout of Grand Central Terminal is…#MSWL please someone send me a MG about a secret clubhouse beneath Grand Central!
Literary Agent
#MSWL Super-commercial MG w/ a queer protagonist
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL Someone write me the epic queer MG I can comp to She-Ra, please
Literary Agent
#MSWL Body-positivity MG, fiction and nonfiction
Literary Agent
Someone write me a MG inspired by the SNL "My Little Step Children" sketch #MSWL
Literary Agent
Tauriq Moosa @tauriqmoosa
Siri, show me something wholesome but make it metal AF Spooky MG about a wolf pup and a raven
Literary Agent
#MSWL MG fantasy with an unlikable female protagonist
Literary Agent
#MSWL I want ALLLLLLL the MG. Please, please, please! I’m so hungry to see more MG submissions in my inbox!!!
Literary Agent
#MSWL I'm REALLY eager to find some MG with a funny voice! Fantasy, contemporary, whatever--just make me laugh!!!
Literary Agent
gently toasted daisy 🥪 @miss_sunkisst
Top-tier trope: Young male characters who are kind, empathic, peaceful and fun-loving, and remain so despite all the horrible and traumatic things that keep happening to them and the sheer amount of expectations they have to live up to. give me a MG with this trope! #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL high-concept MG fantasy w/ series potential, preferably with a female MC
Literary Agent
Whitley Abell @whitleyabell
I'm putting on a Hogwarts Cheerleading Camp for my library kiddos in a couple weeks and I'm still struggling with HP-themed names for some of the moves. Any suggestions?#HarryPotter #GoGoGryffindor #OutOfIdeas
#MSWL Nerdy cheer camp MG
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL middle grade about about a beauty pageant, preferably funny and with a protagonist who likes it (instead of “I’m not like other girls”)
Literary Agent
#MSWL Guys, I really want to see fun middle grade fantasy/adventure stories in my inbox, especially if they have series potential
Literary Agent
#MSWL I’d love to see some diverse MG in my inbox—especially fun adventure stories not rooted in pain
Literary Agent
Jess Harriton @JessHarriton
😍🥰 #MSWL. I'm looking to fill the soccer ball sized hole in my heart post the Women's World Cup with MG sports stories for girls!…Ditto! I absolutely love a good sports story #MSWL
Literary Agent
rebecca mix says drink water @rebeccarmix
I’ve never been much of a rereader, but I’m rereading the Gregor The Overlander books for the first time. I was completely obsessed with in elementary school, and omg, this feels like coming home. 😭#MSWL I’d LOVE a MG adventure story comped to Gregor The Overlander