Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
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Zabé Ellor
· 13 Dec 2020
Rebecca Romney @rebeccaromney
Finally an article about the rare book heist that observes what the evidence points to: experienced criminals veered naively into rare books when they saw an opportunity — and didn’t realize how stupid it is to try to resell them on the black…
#MSWL rare book dealers solve book heist, please!
Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
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Zabé Ellor
· 1 Nov 2019
Rosemary Donahue @rosadona
are you...fucking....kidding me?? they’re installing cameras in front of every single turnstyle at the fulton stop in manhattan right now NYC teens team up on an epic subway camera heist
Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
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Zabé Ellor
· 24 Sep 2019
#MSWL #ownvoices Harlem Renaissance heist novel
Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
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Zabé Ellor
· 25 Aug 2019
I too would like a gay space heist book, but my taste in heists is more Ocean’s 11 than Firefly. Show me the tech and gadgets. #MSWL
Zabé Ellor
Literary Agent
Bestselling author of MAY THE BEST MAN WIN🏈| SILK FIRE🐉| ACTING THE PART (12/7/22)🎥| assoc. agent @JDLitAgency | rep @RedPenKaitlyn | opinions mine | he/they
224 MSWL
3 AskAgent
29 Tips
Zabé Ellor
· 24 May 2019
#MSWL post-apocalyptic heist book