Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Thompson Literary Agency
Literary Agent @TL_Agency. She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Samantha Wekstein @SWekstein
I'm so excited!!!! I want a book that makes me feel like this trailer does #MSWL…I want to be more specific about this #MSWL. I want something that gives me the nostalgia and friendship of The Sandlot (like this does) while also bringing in the awesome sci-fi adventure we see in Stranger Things. Don't comp if it's just sci-fi without the other elements.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Natascha Morris on Vacation @SoCalledYALife
@stephlystein And this! for this! Love Anne/Gilbert chemistry and Anne/Dianna friendship.Sorry to keep stealing your #MSWL but also stop reading my mind!
Literary Agent
Brooding YA Hero @broodingYAhero
It's a well-known fact that the more kickass a YA heroine is, the fewer female friends she has.Other girls distract from her awesomeness.
#MSWL the opposite of this. I'd love a kickass girl group. Female friendships are so important in YA, give them to me!
Literary Agent
Check out the new #mswl profile!…