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Literary Agent
A rollicking adventure with weird main characters a la COSMIC BANDITOS. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Intriguing female sleuth with Sherlock tendencies in a modern world. More mystery than thriller. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Diverse roadtrip/traveling/gap-year/abroad coming of age stories. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Smart quirky feel-good MG starring a female STEM character. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Feeling refreshed after a wonderful vacation. Re-opening to queries today! Will be tweeting some #MSWL and looking forward to seeing what y'all bring.
Literary Agent
Would love a detective series set in Northern California, quirky hippie-farmer small towns, marijuana fields, fire season, Pomo country, wineries, coastal redwoods. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Really craving an epically layered feminist* second world adult fantasy centered on art, politics, and earthy witchy magic.** #MSWL
*Intersectional 🌈
**Written by a woman ✨🔥
Literary Agent
Just discovered the amazing gem that is @deathinparadise. Escapism at its finest. #MSWL a mystery series like this but with a stodgy female lead instead.
Literary Agent
If you comp THE GIRL WHO DRANK THE MOON for your MG, I want to see it. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Latinx voices, all any stories, MG and women’s fiction. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Middle grade starring girl biologists - an ornithologist, an entomologist, and a zoologist walk into the woods... #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I’m craving whimsical and poignant middle grade a la Wishtree and Hello Universe. Send me what you’ve got! #mswl marycmoore.com/index.php/subm…
Literary Agent
Would love to read a female version of the awkward super intellectual yet lovable type eg Frasier or Sheldon (❤️Niles 4ever). #MSWL
Literary Agent
Andrew Ujifusa @AndrewUjifusa
"If you do something to my animals, I'll catch you." This remarkable group of women catches elephant poachers in Zimbabwe. Many are single mothers and survivors of abusive marriages. This is a very dangerous line of work. bbc.com/news/av/world-… via @BBC pic.twitter.com/flIgel4WkwLiterary Agent
Literary Agent
Brandon O’Brien | Shahrazad, beneath a pink poui @therisingtithes
Braincrack:more fantasy stories where spiritual practices like wicca & voodoo are actually pure, spiritually rich, & connect people to the divine, but Christianity is evil because it brings oppressive, colonial spiritual force into open & freeform faith-spaces
Literary Agent
Cassandra Khaw @casskhaw
... I want a story about a man who doesn't steal the selkie's skin, doesn't walk away with the crane-woman's feathers. Instead, he smacks the dude who does, gives the shapeshifter back her skin, asks if he can bring her gifts.Omg. 😭😭😭 #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL historical, fantasy, or just loosely based on this intriguing woman, La Maupin!!
Literary Agent
On dusty highway to Sayulita, west coast of Mexico. A couple local kids are hanging in front of a surf shop w/ boards. One has a giant Aztec calendar tattoo on his back, another has mirror shades. The solo girl is holding her own.
#MSWL. Someone write this YA novel 🙏🇲🇽🌊🌴