- #mswl (110)
- #queryfail (12)
- #querytip (139)
- #pubtip (39)
- #querystats (17)
- #slushpile (15)
- #askagent (29)
- #DVIndiaChat (13)
Literary Agent
Have caught up with all queries from my old submission form. If you did not receive a response, then please resubmit using my new querymanager form: marycmoore.com/index.php/subm… #querystats
Literary Agent
Caught up with queries 07/24. If you subbed before then and no response, let me know. marycmoore.com/index.php/subm… #querystats
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Received 20 new submissions yesterday alone. Haven't you people heard of this thing called a weekend? 👏😂 #agentlife #querystats
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I'm working on acknowledging receipt of full manuscripts, but my inbox be like Disneyland mid-summer. Plus 53 fulls. #querystats
Literary Agent
Caught up on cold queries to Nov. 5. Have 45 full manuscripts under consideration. #querystats
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Receiving around 15 submissions a day, 100 a week, 465 a month, 5600 a year. Get snarky response from author. Unleash kermit gif #querystats
Literary Agent
Just opened to queries and already have over 100 subs. Writers are such overachievers. #querystats #agentlife
Literary Agent
#querystats, caught up with manuscripts to Jan 10. If you haven't gotten a response to your full from then, tweet me
Literary Agent
Letting That Manuscript Go: An Agent's Struggle marycmoore.com/index.php/2016… #agentlife #querystats #askagent
Literary Agent
#querystats all caught up on #PitMad and #DVpit initial queries. If you didn't receive a response, tweet me.
Literary Agent
Down from 80 to 49 fulls in my inbox! #querystats
Literary Agent
Caught up with unsolicited queries. If you cold queried me before March 1st and have not received a response, tweet me. #querystats
Literary Agent
Interesting #querystats, I'm finding 95% of my full requests out of the slush occur with those that use my sub form vs email.