- #mswl (110)
- #queryfail (12)
- #querytip (139)
- #pubtip (39)
- #querystats (17)
- #slushpile (15)
- #askagent (29)
- #DVIndiaChat (13)
Literary Agent
Dear writers, I'm grateful most of you aren't like this jerk. Otherwise I would have closed submissions long ago. #agentlife #queryfail
Literary Agent
Tell me again how your work has no comparables and you're a writer not reader. #slushpile making me snarky today #dontwastemytime #queryfail
Literary Agent
I empathize with new writers stumbling on sub guidelines. But if you're such a newb, how'd you get my not-public email address? #queryfail
Literary Agent
A writer just called me spoiled for rejecting his work. Because that makes sense. #agentlife #queryfail
Literary Agent
An author tried to trick me into thinking I'd requested their sub. It didn't work. #queryfail
I know my #slushpile.
Literary Agent
Ignored my sub guidelines & that I'm closed to queries, didn't bother to remove "fwd" from the subject. #queryfail
Literary Agent
When I see the word "buxom" on 1st page, whatever I'm drinking comes out my nose. #queryfail #slushpile #writetip https://t.co/cO6G3Zx0zw
Literary Agent
Sara Megibow @SaraMegibow
#QueryTip = frustrating to ask for sample pages and *then* find out the submission isn't one I'd consider..@SaraMegibow I had one tell me they self published it when I offered rep. Still mad 3yrs later. #queryfail 😡
Literary Agent
Ginger Clark @Ginger_Clark
Authors, when you approach an agent off the clock at a conference and she looks at you warily these stories are why: pwne.ws/1PhMChk.@Ginger_Clark @AKA_Terrie yep. Had a lab technician pitch me his memoir as he was drawing my blood. #queryfail
Literary Agent
Huh, query letter with only a name and an attachment of sample writing. Not sure what to do with that. #slushpile #queryfail
Literary Agent
Blows me away that I still get mass query letters that aren't even in my genre, with all the info available out there. #queryfail #slushpile
Literary Agent
Old hat for savvy writers, but had 3 subs today w/ unnecessary prologues that weighed down the oh-so-important opening. #writetip #queryfail