Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Emerald City Literary Agency
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.

Literary Agent
Mandy Hubbard @MandyHubbard
While we're doing #AskECLA, let's talk about what stuff we're dying to see in our inbox, eh? (@LindaEpstein @GarrettAlwert) I'll start by saying ROMANCE. ALL THE YA ROMANCE. Or hints of romance in MG. Dark and angsty or light and funny, BRING IT.
Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I would LOVE more #ownvoices Filipino YA or MG (set in the US or the Philippines) in my slush. My SIL is from the Philippines, my niece/nephew are being raised bilingual, I would love to find a gem to champion! #mswl

Literary Agent
#MSWL A YA featuring a teen entrepreneur who runs a business like this one-- a man who allows you to "rent" him to fill a role (IE, fake friend/dad/wedding date/etc).…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Would LOVE a YA horror in the vein of SCREAM and @naturallysteph's THERE'S SOMEONE INSIDE YOUR HOUSE #MSWL

Literary Agent
Would LOVE more submissions of MG / YA / Romance #ownvoices novels with non-white characters! #WeNeedDiverseBooks #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Brooks Sherman @byobrooks
Guys, come on: My tweet hopefully did not indicate that "incest" is on my #mswl. IT IS NOT. #querytip…I actually would sign an incest YA, I loved FORBIDDEN. #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
@eisen5585 Anything in YA is fine. You can read my sub guidelines or #MSWL for extra insight.

Literary Agent
Mandy Hubbard @MandyHubbard
Writers watching #MSWL: When in doubt, just query. That's you saying "hey, interested in my book?" No need to @ agents w/clarifying Qs.Every time I do #MSWL and say something like "I'd love a YA thriller" and get "What if there's a ghost in it?" or similar. Just query!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent