Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Aevitas Creative Management
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
Literary Agent
The New York Times @nytimes
A superhuman group of adolescents broke the Scripps National Spelling Bee with 8 contestants crowned co-champions after the competition said it was running out of challenging words!!!
#MSWL, if anyone’s writing *this* MG!
Literary Agent
I know I tweet this every time I do a Miss Fisher rewatch, but I’d kill for an “opposites attract” romantic duo that sizzles like Phryne and Jack. THOSE LOOKS! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Also, more MG and YA graphic novels! #MSWL
Literary Agent
I'd love to see more historical fiction in general. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Erica Bauman @Erica_Bauman
Seeing a couple #MSWL tweets today, so jumping in with some ideas I’ve been tossing around.I’d love to see more MCs in MG and YA who are literal monsters, but soft and sweet. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Putting this obscure #MSWL want out into the universe, but if any querying writers are working on a Hist Fic about Florence Cook and the Crookes investigation, I would love to see it.…
Literary Agent
UCLA Gymnastics @uclagymnastics
A 🔟 isn't enough for this floor routine by @katelyn_ohashi. 🔥 many times have I watched this video?
So many times.
Can someone please write me a YA with this level of friendship and support between teammates?
Literary Agent
15) Light Adult fantasy. Show that thinks don’t get less magical after childhood. Comps like Practical Magic, Garden Spells, and The Night Circus. #MSWL
Literary Agent
14) Romcoms about athletes competing at the Olympic level. I want the next Cutting Edge! #MSWL
Literary Agent
13) Cute, funny contemporary YA romcoms that are driven by dynamic characters. #MSWL
Literary Agent
12) I’m dying for a YA set during the 1920s. Something sharp like gin or bubbly like champagne. #MSWL
Literary Agent
11) I’m still desperate for a good YA horror. Something dark and disturbing. More eerie than gory, and grounded in reality (no supernatural killers needed). #MSWL
Literary Agent
10) I want more YA stories where the dynamic friend duo is front and center (and any romantic relationships take a backseat) #MSWL
Literary Agent
9) I am forever and always a theater kid at heart. Backstage was my second home growing up. Bring me your stories about or inspired by the Arts! #MSWL
Literary Agent
8) I still have my fingers crossed for a clever retelling, a genre-crossing tale with familiar faces, but not unnecessarily faithful to the source material. It should stand independent and quite unique. #MSWL
Literary Agent
7) Send me the hungry ones, the MCs who want something so badly, it rattles their bones. Who encourage their ambition. (YA) #MSWL
Literary Agent
6) Send me your jagged girls, the ones who broke and put themselves back together. The ones who don’t hide what they are (YA). #MSWL
Literary Agent
5) Send me your quiet, lyrical magic. Your tales of discovery and wonder. Give me a MG bedtime story that paints my dreams. #MSWL
Literary Agent
4) I love Harriett The Spy, Artemis Fowl, and Encyclopedia Brown. I always want more clever, observant kids. (Working moral compass not required) #MSWL