Ann Leslie Tuttle
Literary Agent
Dystel, Goderich & Bourret
Literary Agent @DGandBTweets; specializing in women’s fiction/romance/thrillers and Middle Grade/YA. Former editor.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. Would love to see some historical fiction set in the 1950s. I am also a fan of most New York City history and stories about hidden figures who played a key role in the city's culture and arts. Continuing to look for YA and adult rom coms, especially with diverse casts.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL Would love to see some romances featuring witches and shifters. Could be a rom com, historical or contemporary/small town romance.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. Please send me some light, fun reading! Romantic comedies & uplifting women's fiction. Historical fiction set in glamorous locales and a glamorized past like THE GIRL IN WHITE GLOVES or AND THEY CALLED IT CAMELOT.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. The post that was retweeted is outdated. I am looking for rom coms, historical romance, romantic suspense; women’s fiction, especially stories related to relationships; thrillers; Southern Gothics; Middle Grade and narrative nonfiction.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. Looking for romantic comedies and women's fiction that is Up Lit and deals with female relationships and family secrets. I also enjoy historical fiction. Would also love to find some Middle Grade. And I love stories set in the South and Southern Gothics.

Literary Agent
#MSWL. Always looking for great adult fiction, e.g. Southern Gothic, medical romance, romantic comedies, Up Lit, domestic thrillers, historical fiction, women’s fiction, mysteries and cozy mysteries. You can email me at

Literary Agent
Joanne Rock @JoanneRock6
The Allure of the Cowboy - a multi-author interview at Okie Dreams…—I would love to see some contemporary and historical romances featuring cowboys.