Jane Chun
Literary Assistant
Janklow & Nesbit
Lit agent assistant @janklownesbit. Trying to think of what meme most defines me currently.
Literary Assistant
Really craving some graphic novel queries to start the new year so if you have one, I'd love to see it! You can see my #MSWL and submissions guidelines here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jane-chun/ (Also open to non-GN queries too of course) #writingcommunity #amquerying #amwriting #GraphicNovel
Literary Assistant
I'm open to queries again, #WritingCommunity ! You can see my interests and submission guidelines on my updated #MSWL . manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jane-chun/ #amwriting #amquerying
Literary Assistant
I'm diving into #PitDark today! If I like your pitch, please follow J&N submission guidelines and put my name and #PitDark in the email subject line. You can see my #MSWL pinned on my profile if you want more info about me.
Literary Assistant
I'm very excited to look at #APIpit today! It's one of my favorite pitch events. If I like your pitch, please follow J&N submission guidelines and put my name and #APIpit in the email subject line. You can see my #MSWL pinned if you want more info about me janklowandnesbit.com/submissions
Literary Assistant
It's #MSWL day so I'm sharing all the things I want to see in my inbox! Since there's a character limit, I'll just link to my MSWL page. I'm looking for a broad range of material in the adult, MG, & YA spaces:
#amwriting #amquerying #WritingCommunity
Literary Assistant
Hi, #WritingCommunity! At long last, my #MSWL is finally up. 🎉 If you read my wish list and want to query me, please follow the submission guidelines at the bottom of my MSWL page.
#amwriting #amquerying
Literary Assistant
Read through my #MSWL in my first #FlipPit tweet and think we'll be a good fit? To query me, please follow J&N's submission guidelines and include "Jane Chun" in the email subject line: janklowandnesbit.com/submissions
#amwriting #amquerying #writingcommunity