Tracy Marchini
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
Senior Literary Agent at @BookEndsLit Jr. | Author CHICKEN WANTS A NAP & PRINCESSES CAN FIX IT! | she/her π€π€π demi | Join the Quacktory!

Literary Agent
Opening to queries, a Quacktory exclusive #mswl, and the productivity question I'll be asking myself in 2020! -β¦

Literary Agent
January 2020 #TeamMarchini Round Up and #MSWLβ¦

Literary Agent
Amanda Jain @wensday95
It's my favorite tweet of the month. Here's August's visual #mswl. Do you have a book like one of these you're ready to query? Send it! spy OMNIVORE'S DILEMMA on @wensday95's #mswl for adults, and while I'm currently closed to queries, I want to throw out there for the future that I would LOVE to see something like that for the #mg/#ya audience when I reopen. Also something on food justice for teens.

Literary Agent
The 3 Most Common Reasons I Pass on Picture Books as an Agent - #amwriting #amquerying #amagenting #mswlβ¦

Literary Agent
Hadas Gold @Hadas_Gold
Alan Turing never got a NYT obituary until now: nf for mg or ya - his life, his work during ww2, an honest look at his death and the repercussions of anti-homosexuality laws, and how Turing's work still influences compsci today.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Tracy WANTS A NAP Marchini @TracyMarchini's the not fully formed part - how to write and concept it so that it's super engaging to a trade picture book or middle grade audience. (That's where you come in, writers!)some other science-related #mswl's (ugh, forgive the grocer's apostrophe). Space, astronomy, astrophysics. A book about how going to the moon now would be different than it was when the US went in 1969 (technology changes, etc.) for kids or teens.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Katie Mack @AstroKatie
My work life has been so much better since I convinced the university facilities managers to set my officeβs thermostat several degrees higher than the rest of the departmentβ¦
Literary Agent
Anita Silvey @anitasilvey
There may be a children's book in this story....the Post. Not the Onion.β¦
Literary Agent
Heather Gallagher @heatherbigkid
@TracyMarchini I'm curious about your #MSWL for Hitchcock themed PBs. Do you mean like a spoof-type thing or do you want the spooky feel of Hitchcock? Thanks!Honestly, I'd be up for either if it's well done, but I was thinking the gently creepy, film noir feel of CREEPY CARROTS, etc. (I just love the Vertigo-inspired spread!) #mswl

Literary Agent
Finally, you can check out all of my announced client books for a sense of the things that I've loved and sold: and a little more about my #mswl here:

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm also looking to add more illustrators to my list in 2019! (Both illo only and author-illustrator). To get a sense of the work I love, see my brilliant clients - @charlenedraws @Kristin15104318 @Chi_Gaia @AngelaTraunig #sallydeng #yvonneivinson #MSWL #kidlitart

Literary Agent

Literary Agent