Tracy Marchini
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
Senior Literary Agent at @BookEndsLit Jr. | Author CHICKEN WANTS A NAP & PRINCESSES CAN FIX IT! | she/her π€π€π demi | Join the Quacktory!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Tracy Marchini @TracyMarchini
It's #mswl day! In general, I represent fiction, non-fiction and illustration for children and teens, and can be queried at #pb #mg #ya #gn #nfI'm also still looking for: Hitchcock-inspired pbs and mg #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency @bookendslit
@Super_Weenie @absolutestartup @BookEndsJessica @jamerrson Can you guys help out @NaomisLitPix @TracyMarchini @inthesestones @SoCalledYALife ??Here's a post about what I'm looking for in #middlegrade:β¦ and in #YA, you can see more on the #MSWL in my FAQs:

Literary Agent
Heeey, I looked at my queries and I haven't received a lot of fun YA romances yet this year. #want #mswl #querystats

Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency @bookendslit
@TracyMarchini wants to find a fun and clever #middlegrade #mystery series.Forever #mswl! Send these to meeeee!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
Earlier this year I put out into the Universe that I want to see more nonfiction at @bookendslit & the Universe responded. @AgentJessicaA & @wensday95 & I have taken on & sold some amazing & exciting new nonfiction projects. #MSWLJust going to throw out in the universe that I am still looking for some amazing trade MG and YA non-fiction! (PB too, but I'm just not seeing as much NF for older readers in my sub box!) #mswl

Literary Agent
TracyMarchini @TracyMarchini
But because this is a spotlight on just how catastrophic it would be to human life and individual lives if there was just two weeks without water in a large enough (but not so large...) area, it really resonates with you. It makes you fill in the gaps.So that's what I am looking for. A YA that tackles some of our pressing environmental issues that reads not like dystopian fiction, but like a potential future. #mswl

Literary Agent
TracyMarchini @TracyMarchini
Yes! #mswl please!β¦So I realize that most people haven't had the opportunity to read DRY yet, so I thought I'd share a bit about what this as an #MSWL means for me!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Alex Borbolla @Alex_Borbolla
Hey agents, anyone got a quirky MG mystery? Bonus points if it includes a Scooby Gang. #MSWLA fun mg mystery w/series potential has been on my #mswl for aaaaaaaages. Still looking!

Literary Agent
Rita LorraineHubbard @RitaLorraine
Can boys wear pink? Why, sure they can!!! Pink is For Boys⦠#kidlit #kidlitart #picturebooks #boybooks just got a copy of this book at #bookexpo18 and I LOVE it! #mswl

Literary Agent
Picked up @markusmotum's CURIOSITY: THE STORY OF A MARS ROVER at the library yesterday and it's just *gorgeous*. Exactly what I'm looking for re: picture books dealing with space! #mswl #picturebooks

Literary Agent
Win Kelly Charles @WinKellyCharles
@TracyMarchini what books do you take?You can find a link to all my #mswl's here: and submission info atβ¦

Literary Agent
TracyMarchini @TracyMarchini
Anyway, I think sometimes MG doesn't get as much love because, say, there aren't as many adults reading it as there are in YA. But there's so much wonderful, beautiful, heartbreaking, hysterical, fantastic middle grade out there.And finally, while this post is a bit older, here's what I'm generally looking for in #middlegrade #mswlβ¦

Literary Agent
Melissa Stewart @mstewartscience
ICYMI: Five Kinds of STEM-themed Nonfiction Books for
#STEM #NGSS #NSTA #scicomm #tlchat #tlelem #makerspaces

Literary Agent
I updated my Contact & FAQs page, including my #mswl and a #queryupdate:

Literary Agent
My #MSWL Madness post is up on the BookEnds blog! I talk about what I'm looking for in #pb, #mg, #ya and #gn fiction and nonfiction, and showcase the type of illustration that I have on my list:β¦
#amquerying #amwriting #kidlit #kidlitart