Tracy Marchini
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
Senior Literary Agent at @BookEndsLit Jr. | Author CHICKEN WANTS A NAP & PRINCESSES CAN FIX IT! | she/her 🖤🤍💜 demi | Join the Quacktory!

Literary Agent
Ramon Ballard @raballard
I was pursuing the MSWL file the other day and found an old one by you that might fit me @TracyMarchini my question is a "NO" fro, one agent in your agency equal a "NO" from all? thank you.A "no" from one agent is not a "no" from all at BookEnds (but please do only query one of us at a time!) #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Kirk Kraft @KAKraft
Do you prefer 1st or 3rd person in MG contemporary and fantasy? #bookendschatI'll say third only because first person in middle grade is REALLY hard to do well - but I'm open to either! #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
TracyMarchini @TracyMarchini
@InkyMargins @Mediabistro also runs classes in person and online, and there's a number of industry conferences you can attend #BookEndsChatYou also want to look into genre-specific organizations: SCBWI, MWA, etc. I'm working in pub now bc I made connection there. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
TracyMarchini @TracyMarchini
@InkyMargins Publishing is still very much an apprenticeship industry, so the best way to learn the in's and out's is an internship. #BookEndsChat@Mediabistro also runs classes in person and online, and there's a number of industry conferences you can attend #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Chrystal D. Giles @creativelychrys
@TracyMarchini Could you love with the first PB, not in love with the second and offer rep? Or iffy on the first PB & in love with the second & offer rep?I would need to see a third to decide! I have to love/have a vision for most things, even if there's one that's not as strong. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Blake Reichenbach @mbreichenbach
@TracyMarchini A bit of both, but more on the end of one interested in working in publishing.Publishing is still very much an apprenticeship industry, so the best way to learn the in's and out's is an internship. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Blake Reichenbach @mbreichenbach
#BookEndsChat I'm curious if there are resources you'd recommend to learn more about the ins and outs of the business side of publishing? you looking more as a writer who wants to be business-savvy, or as someone who would like to work in publishing? #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Mark Holtzen @holtzymook
@BookEndsJessica @TracyMarchini #BookEndsChat Has to be such a love/hate relationship with the inbox.Indeed! I find most of my clients through queries, but there's never enough time in the day to read them as they come in. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Chrystal D. Giles @creativelychrys
#BookEndsChat When an agent requests more #PB MSs after the initial query. What is the agent specifically looking for in the new MSs?I want to see different concepts and a sense of style. Want to make sure there's potential for a pb career- not just one book. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Mark Holtzen @holtzymook
@TracyMarchini #bookendschat ive always wondered how full your submissions/query inbox needs to be to cause you stress?Welp, this is me now & I'm stressed about it! (Ideally though, I'd like to be within a month or two of my oldest submission.) #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
@BookEndsJessica #BookEndsChat Are pubs willing to take on a first-time author's work?Absolutely! A number of my clients are debuts, and publishers are always excited to find new talent! #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Sarah Finnie @Sarahbethfinnie
During “the call” what question(s) do you wish writers would ask? #BookEndsChatAsk what the agent sees for your career, & be honest about what you want yourself. Make sure you're starting on the same page! #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
TracyMarchini @TracyMarchini
@CP_Daly Well, if you're not getting any feedback that's specific to your work or requests, then u probably want to look at both...1/2 #BookEndsChatFor me, the first five pages tell me more than the query - but the query still has to get your foot in the door. 2/2 #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
CP Daly 🎊🎉 @CP_Daly
#BookEndsChat Rejections,"not a good fit" should one revise the query or pages provided. How to proceed & make better.Thanks for your time.Well, if you're not getting any feedback that's specific to your work or requests, then u probably want to look at both...1/2 #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Jason Henderson @jasondhenderson
Can you suggest a book on writing with good advice? (I love writing books. My fave: On Writing.) #BookendschatJohn Truby's ANATOMY OF STORY made me think about craft in a new way. Also WD's "Write Great Fiction" series is great. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Scotty Claus Rhoades--My Self on a Shelf @scorho
Is an unrelated pro writing career useful in a query? #bookendschatGetting paid for your writing is almost never a bad thing in a bio! #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Elisa Stryker @elisa_stryker
Do you have any advice for writers that are writing in a genre/topic that's considered a "hard sell"? #BookEndsChatIf that's genre you love, then keep writing. Market changes. Alternatively, is there another genre you love in the meantime? #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Christina Herrera @CHerrera122116
@RachMBrooks #BookEndsChat What are some key things to look for in a contract with a lit agent?Commission, term, what's repped. Red flags: anything (besides recouped expenses) where you pay agent, no termination clause. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
David Antonio @DavidAHarshaw
In YA, is it okay to include illustrations in the ms, or would it be better to withhold them and suggest them after offer? #BookEndsChatWithout knowing anything about format or genre, I'd say unless you're a professional illustrator, don't include illustrations. #BookEndsChat

Literary Agent
Jennifer G Prevost @jennygprevost
One more for #BookEndsChat: What's the magic number of PB manuscripts an author should have 'ready' when querying?I advise having at least 3. Query your strongest, have 2 more that haven't been shopped to editors on deck. #BookEndsChat