Cate Hart

Literary Agent

Harvey Klinger Literary Agency

Literary Agent at Harvey Klinger. YA author. Kid wrangler. Galactic Princess. Addicted to the Foo Fighters. Need More Cowbell!

Cate Hart
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Harvey Klinger. YA author. Kid wrangler. Galactic Princess. Addicted to the Foo Fighters. Need More Cowbell!
31 Queries
13 Tips

High on my #MSWL list:
Contemporary Southern Gothic
Creepy Historical Gothic
Give me haunted manors, haunted woods, haunted histories
Add a dash of magic, even better!!
Fantasy RomCom
More YA urban fantasy
MG adventure and mystery and puzzles to solve
GN for MG and YA

Cate Hart
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Harvey Klinger. YA author. Kid wrangler. Galactic Princess. Addicted to the Foo Fighters. Need More Cowbell!
31 Queries
13 Tips

Graphic Novels. Especially middle grade and YA. #MSWL